Leave it to Mr. Rob Thomas to say it perfectly. Well actually it is 3:50, but I have been up for about an hour. I am experiencing my first bouts with insomnia. I always dreaded this time in my life because I love sleep so much. When I was a baby my mom said that after going to the Dr and getting a shot I would sleep the rest of the day and night. As an infant I was sleeping over 8 hours by the time I was 2 weeks old. When I would come home after morning kindergarten I would take a 3 hour nap, wake up for a few hours and then go to bed for the night. As an adult I still enjoy sleeping, but not big on sleeping in late, 9 is about my limit.
Fall semester is one statistics final away from being complete. One year ago I was suffering from constant heartburn and stomach ulcer pain. This year it is insomnia. I do not know which is worse--both are kind of cruddy. My point is stress can do a lot to my system! It really is not good for me. A good friend of mine, Donna-Lu has a favorite saying, 'you did it to yourself.' This is so true. If I didn't freak out over my Dental Hygiene final, and the fact that I cannot explore a tooth, detect a leaking amalgam filling, detect all carries, or pass a scale check I would not be here writing to you this chilly morning--my basement is freezing and I cannot get the pilot light to the gas fireplace to stay lit.
I am looking forward to the sun coming up so that today I can finally clean all the salt off my white truck, I think it used to be green, not sure though, it has been a long time since it was clean. I have plans today to go see the Chronicles of Narnia movie! I am pretty excited about that. I read the series of books when I was in 4th-5th grade. I loved them so much and ordered the set from the weekly reader book order! They were my original Hogwarts. The closet the children would go to to enter the magical world of Narnia is similar to today's platform 9 3/4!
Maybe 3 am isn't so lonely since I can write to all my avid readers