The Tetons rocked! I had so much fun! This is me and my sister Jo Ann. We are riding the ferry across Jenny Lake. My brother Brent's friend works at the dock at Jenny Lake and he gave us the hook up-free boat ride!!! If it looks cold that is because it was!
Then my brother Daniel wanted to pick up Jo Ann like the Jeep commercials! We were right on but when I took the pic a huge gust of wind came and the alignment was off.
Now this picture is a typical Jones look-into-the-distance pose. The man taking our pic asked us if we were going to look at him. We all said no and kept gazing off in the distance. Just a side note Daniel is wearing my WSU DH jacket-he forgot one and submitted to wearing mine-ha ha ha!
My high school friend Shawna works at the Pioneer Grill at Jackson Lake Lodge and got us a great cabin at Coulter Bay. It was not even like camping....2 double beds and a twin (so my bros did not have to be Green And Yellow--G A Y). We had our own bathroom and shower with actual hot water! It was so nice. THANK YOU SHAWNA! We ate breakfast at the Pioneer Grill the morning we left the park. It was delicious. We were not adventurous enough to have the trout breakfast which my Dad claims is the best Well he claims that fresh caught trout eaten for breakfast is the best, he is not too sure about the restaurant. She drew us about 4 different scenes with moose in them. Which rocked because my number one goal was to see a moose!
Luckily after breakfast we went to Signal Mountain and Jo Ann spotted this moose having breakfast. I was so happy! Up to that point the closest I got to a moose was a pencil Jo bought for me! Later that day as we were coming down Provo Canyon we say another moose just past Park City. How ironic is that. I leave the state to see a moose and I could have just gone to Park City!
Overall my trip was a blast! I love vacations with my family! There were hours of laughter, peeing (Daniel did the marathon 6 minute pee one morning--dang 2 gallon sized bladder), buffalo spotting, picture taking, game playing (I am the champ at speed;)), cell phone withdrawal, Jazz game missing, and driving! I am so glad we went even though my stomach is still in a knot when I think about Daniel and the old man at the park entrance; deaf people and old people struggle to communicate-I curse you old man.....
In less than a month I get to go to Savannah Georgia to see my other brother Dave while he is on leave from Iraq! I am quite excited for this summer!