Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The final final exam

I went to St George early this morning to take my final exam before I can officially call myself an RDH-the law exam. It was surprisingly easy! I finally got a break! The drive between Cedar and St George is one of my favorites. The beautiful red cliffs mixed with sagebrush and pinion is so beautiful to my eyes. I love the feel of the sandstone and the smell of the sage. There is a lot of development in the area which saddens me a little. I will miss the beautiful vistas, but cannot blame a person for wanting to live there and experience them on a daily basis. I am thankful I live in Cedar because it is not nearly as hot here as in St George! Cedar is perfect for a small town girl who is looking for a little bit bigger town like me.

I may be fortunate enough to stay here. I have been toying with the temptaion of Boise. I told myself I would come to Cedar and see what it had to offer. Well, I am here and I think I like what is being offered. I really need to receive my license so that I can start working and then I will know for sure if the offices here are great or not. I also need to get up to Idaho and see what the Gem state has to offer me. Basically I am still deciding what to do although Cedar is offering me some tempting situations.

Finally, I want to thank anonymous again. Not only did they wake me up, but they have started something that I will always remember. As you can surmise I have an army of great friends! I am so thankful to them for standing up!!! I did not know I was so lucky! All of you who have called, blogged, emailed, and written me snail mail (my favorite way of communication-thanks Tatiana) I want to thank you from the deepest crevice of my soul. Your words and friendship mean so much to me. I hated what anonymous said and my bubble took a hit, but it was worth it because of the wonderful things I have learned from YOU!. Now my bubble is shiny and stronger that ever thanks to all the kindness shown to me! I will never forget it!! I hope each one of you knows you have a true friend in me!


Aimee said...

Girlfriend...you are my hero!! I'm so proud of you! I can't believe that this door is closing, and you're moving on! Why are you closing the door on me? Ha ha...i understand! I'm looking forward to the next chapter..I can't put this book down!! You're awesome Maryann, I'm gonna freakin' miss you!

Em said...

Congradulations Mary Ann. You are truly and inspiration and a joy to be around. Thanks again for everything.

Tatiana said...


I'm seriously glad that things are going well for you! I love reading your updates so, don't stop...I've been checking every week to see if you'd had one and today..."surprise", There was a new entry. I've been wondering how everyone did on the boards and no one has really said on their blogs. But I'm getting the jist on those ones who update. Good luck!

Smiles :)

Lindsey said...

Ok so I am an idiot. If you have read my blog on my last post I said that I manage Soldier Hollow Grill. I just wanted to let you know I am not the same manager as "anonymus." I was afraid that someone might have thought that I wrote the post. I just had to clear things up.
You are a great person Maryann. The junior class loves you. Congrats on Boards! I am so happy for you! Take Care!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am glad to hear that things in Cedar are looking up. I am even more excited that you still had thought about Boise! :) We may need another hygienist..... :) I am so glad either way that you are happ...ier!!! Fill me in on clinicals, i am stull wanting to know how it all went!! Take care! Jess

Anonymous said...

Mary Ann,

I wanted to leave one final thought for you. Congrats on passing your board exams. You are the only person that understood the comments that were said. Only you took them to heart and made a change for the better. To the rest of you, my goal was for Mary Ann to realize that she was being very negative towards those that were there to help, after all she signed up for the "abuse." I know first hand the stress that you went through. I have two very close friends that went through a dental hygiene program, they are each very successful. Again, congrats and keep up the positive, can-do, attitude and you will go further than you ever thought possible.

ps. Don't worry, I'm not a Dental Hygienist. I'm just a guy that ran across your blog and felt the need to respond.