Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all had a great day/ weekend! I sure did. Well for the most part. I sure did miss my friends and family. It was really hard not being with them. I could not even call them cause I would have just cried. Well enough sadness...
I love male wrapping. It is the best! This is a pic of my gift from Dan. It is precious to me! There is about 100 yards of packing tape and the wrapping paper is pieced together. I love it! It meant so much to me.

This is what Portland looked like on Christmas Day. We have had record snow. Notice the street that is not plowed. That is how most of the streets are here in Portland. They just dont plow the side streets. I live on a major street that connects to the train/bus system and gets you East and West bound on one of the freeways so it was plowed. But the snow was pushed in front of the driveway so deep we barely made it out. And since the town never gets snow there are no snow shovels. So I shovelled our walk with a garden shovel. It sucked. You can see it a little in the pic. Well it was annoying.
This is the same shot today Dec 28. Yesterday the temp did not get below 37 and it rained all day. There was some serious floods. Anyway, It is amazing that all the snow under the cars and on the street is almost completely gone. It is crazy to me. No wonder the city does not have snow shovels if it melts this fast all the time. Anyway this is just another manifestation of the difference between OR and UT.
So if you are dying to know what was in the box....Dan gave me the best gift ever. It was a flat cast iron pan for tortillas or big pancakes aka crepes. I love it! I have needed one for about 5 years and have not got one. Now I do and I am so happy. I hope you all got exactly what you needed and wanted! Need to go work on my New Years plans....what to do what to do.


Maria said...

Welcome to the no-plow club...because of the economy, the great state of Utah is cutting down on plowing. So my side streets have never been plowed and sometimes I-15 isn't getting plowed on time. It sucks. We finally have a break in the weather for a few days.

Glad you had a good Christmas! All the girls are getting together today for dinner. We'll be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

That is insane! The wraping is clasic Grandma Faris! How sad i was to miss her party! Well i bet stores have snow shovels now. To clean of the stairs down to the daycare i use a metal dust pan and put it in a small garbage can and haul it up and dump it on the grass. So if you can not find a snow shovel maybe you can find a dust pan. Loves! Lori

Em said...

Merry Chirstmas Mair!!! It's been a crazy winter for Yakima too.