It has been raining here in Portland...a shocker I know! And I have been forgetting my camera. But trust me on this...everyone's yards are full of tulips and daffodils and the cherry blossoms are amazing. So are the trees. There are about 12 different variety of flowering trees. I dont know there names but they are beautiful and giving my allergies a run for the money. I love spring! It is a wonderful time of year.
I bought these tulips from a cute lady selling them on the corner by my office for Easter Seals. I figured what the heck. They were all closed up like the little guy on the UL. They have bloomed into this beautiful arrangement. I love them.
Here is another reason why I love working for Dr Mueller. So you already know that 1st he hired me. 2nd I work my scheduled hours even if I dont have a patient. 3rd I got insurance. 4th I got insurance a month early. and now number 5....He paid for me to attend the dental conference. He paid the admittance fee and then he is paying me wages for my hours of attendance. Let me say that again. He is paying me to sit in lectures and not producing anything. I am blown away by this man. My mom asked if since he is a new dr does he not know he does not have to do that. I explained to Dr M that I was not going to turn in my hours and he said I was and we argued about it. I finally gave in and let him pay me for taking classes I needed for my own license. How great is he? He is the greatest!!!
I am so lucky. I have a great husband, a great job, a cute house, a great pineapple upside down cake that I made from scratch sitting on my desk ready to be eaten and a great life. I am truly grateful this spring for the changes and experiences in my life that have brought me to this point. I am looking forward to summer! What fun will I experience then????
Sure, I'll see you in Hell. LOL If you get there before me, save me a room with a view. If I kill over first I'll do the same. LOL funny girl.
When is the hubby out of town...I'd like to come up. Think you could put Bj and I up for one night? I'm planning on seeing Matt again too. DON'T READ TOO MUCH INTO THAT STATEMENT!
I don't know why I'm coming up as Betty-n-Boop but it's me, Em.
Happy times for you! Wish I worked for a doc like that...
You deserve ALL of this Mair! I'm very happy for you!
S'ok, I'm still coming up on the
1st and staying in Salem. Maybe another time.
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