Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Seasons Change

Fall is definately here in Portland. Temps have fallen and leaves are turning color and the rain has started. It has been a while since it rained here. Rain is forcasted for every single day this week.
Being from dry Utah the wet Portland weather is alright with me. I mean where else can I get 365 days out of one bottle of lotion?!?!
Well bring on the soup, carmel apples and candy corns!! And who can forget the cinnamon devils...hint hint Delta crew....I could use some.


Maria said...

LOL! I remember the humidity in NC and it's similar here. No lotion, don't need conditioner for my hair and my laundry never gets dry. Fun.

Em said...

I've already put most my blankets on my bed...can't wait to pull out the electric one.

Lizi Bates said...

Oh the rain! I'm glad you like it b/c I have a feeling you'll get to see a lot of it the next few months. So true about the lotion...my heel is cracking due to the desert, flip-flops, and not using lotion :( It didn't break 60 in Cedar today, I think it's officially fall...plus we're doing our annual apple cider this weekend so that has to mean fall is here!

Lori England said...

It snowed in Oak City today:(

Ruth said...

Oh how I wish I could be in the rain! I would move to OR or WA in a heartbeat. I love the rain. I hope you are well!

cheeks said...

hope you have a trusty umbrella! i think i would like the rain.....from the inside! i don't love running through puddles and walking around in soggy clothes while i'm out and about! mmmm, soup! and carmel apples! that is why i love fall!