Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cake gone wrong

It has been a long time since I have posted. I have moved. Packed up my stuff and moved into an apartment. It is bigger than my little house. So I have been busy and have not had the gumption to post. I still have boxes and stacks of stuff everywhere. Luckily the boxes are mostly empty.
Well it is autumn. I have been craving a pumpkin cake. I luckily knew a woman who makes the most delicious pumpkin cake I have ever eaten. I got the recipe. I tried to make it yesterday and failed. If you see the picture the cake is not cake. It is like pie. It is about 1/4 inch thick. It did not raise. I guess my baking powder is bad or my cake 'fell' or the altitude is an issue. I am perplexed. I have not failed at a recipe too often. I will give it another go in a few days. But until then I have a thin dense cake up for grabs as well as some boxes.


cheeks said...

well, i still think it looks delish (but yes, more like pie than cake)! i've had some baking issues since moving from utah too and i can't decide if it's altitude/humidity/my oven....???

I Hope you are doing ok...did you move solo? you said packed up "my" stuff. i am thinking of you :)

Ruth said...

Good luck with the cake! I have not ever had pumpkin cake. It could be anything, as to why it did not work. I have made cake from cake mixes before and they have not turned out the way they should have. Who knows!

Angie said...

I can only imagine the emotions this day caused for you... :-(