Sunday, September 05, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

I went to Seaside yesterday. It was a beautiful yet chilly day. Look how sexy my Tundra looks laying on the beach soaking in some sun.  Ahhh the Tundra. How I love it. But it is time to say goodbye. This is a positive goodbye. I am ready. I am thankful for the extra time I have had with it. I know that I will miss it but due to my lack of finding another job and not bringing in more cash I need to cut back and the biggest part of my budget goes to the Tundra and insurance. It stands to reason that selling is a good thing. Plus the memories with the truck will lessen without the daily reminders.
I feel good about selling it. Yet I will miss it. Oh the complicated feelings I have. Ha ha haSo I have been having the best couple of days. My attitude has changed and while I cannot see how in the world I will ever marry and have sex again I know it will be alright. I can be strong. My life will be great. It is great! I mean I went to the coast yesterday and had a blast by myself. Got an ice cream cone from Tillamook Creamery. . . so tasty. It was a great day of waves and reflection.
So I found hops near Portland. I have had this obsession with this plant. Why? I am not sure. But it is fascinating to see them in the fields. Today I saw these mature plants and stopped to take a look. They are just amazing. I have heard that they are harvested by hand and that it is a messy dirty job. In fact it was on Dirty Jobs on the Discovery channel. The US main growers are Yakima Washington (go Emily) and Willamette Valley in Oregon (near me hee hee). The plants are complicated with the male parts and the female parts on separate plants  and it is fascinating. I know brewing beer is the main purpose but I like it. I think they are pretty.
All in all my world is great. I am so relieved to have found hope. It has been so depressing not to have any hope. It is such a vital part of life. I am so glad that I am able to find that hope. (And Josh is struggling and I am relishing in his hardships)
Then I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I have had a hankering for them for months but due to the pumpkin shortage I have not been able to find a can of pumpkin. My sister Lori gave me a can from her food storage when I was in Utah and then my visiting teaching partner gave me a can for payment for painting her ceiling with her. How great is my life? I am so thrilled that I have these cookies, my truck and hops. . .


cheeks said...

I'm jealous of your day! On the beach.....listening to the waves (chilly or not), icecream at a real creamery, i've never seen "hops" but they sound cool :) AND PUMPKING CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES?!?!? AH! One of my all-time faves and i haven't been able to make them for almost a year :( Seriously, pumpkin is NOWHERE to be found! I'd paint someone's whole house for a can! hahaha! Sounds like Fall is already bringing happiness to your life!

cheeks said...

pumpking= pumpkin :) i was so excited i got carried away!

Ruth said...

I LOVE painting! It is so liberating! I wish I had more money, because I would be painting something in my house. Hope is a good thing. I struggle with my own hope, so I totally relate. I am glad you are finding it. I have faith that person out there is looking for you!

Em said...

I want the pumpkin cookie receipe!! I love them. That's the one thing I miss out UT. 7'11 always had the huge pumpkin chocolate chip cookies...yum.

Lizi Bates said...

Your cookies look amazing. You always make the best cookies, so I'm not surprised :) I had no idea about the pumpkin shortage! Thank goodness for food storage! So happy you're finding hope again. It's necessary to function properly I believe. And I'm curious how much you're selling your truck for? George is aching to get a truck, I know we prob can't afford your beauty, but it's fun to dream!

Melissa Rees said...

LOL! Your tundra DOES look sexy on the beach! Sorry you have to sell it though. Glad I'm not the only one that gets attached to cars!

The Obergs said...

oh man those cookies look good. Aren't we out of the pumpkin shortage yet?!?! I mean seriously, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, we need to get this going ASAP.

I'm sad about your truck, but what a responsible thing you are doing. One day it will all work out for you to be a "sexy tundra" owner again.

Chelseys Blog said...

So way too long because we no longer have the internet or a computer. I have really been thinking a lot about you. Sounds like you have had a lot of ups and downs and that unfortunately it is affecting your self worth. This is a lecture! Girl... I love you dearly and you have NO idea how many people you have a positive influence and affect on. You know, what is important is service and developing your skills and how you affect others. You are beautiful! You are amazing! Any man would be absolutely LUCKY to have you.... but a man cannot validate you. You are so loved and so awesome. I wished you knew that for yourself. Im sorry.... Please Please dont be mad. I know I have never been in your shoes and so youre right when you say I dont fully understand. I just wished your werent looking for a man to make you feel like the amazing person you are. Look at all the fun things you are doing. I love ya girl!

Maria said...

I'm sad that you're selling your truck, but kudos to you for being uber responsible.

I'm so over the sex thing. It was great to have flings but now I just want to focus on me. You may find yourself feeling the same way.