Sunday, March 06, 2011

I am so spoiled

David and I went to the coast yesterday. David is a computer programmer who works for Macafee. He is the oldest of 3. He has never been married. For some reason he likes me. We went exploring lighthouses around the town of Tillamook. We also went to the creamery. He had never been. He had also never had squeaky cheese (cheese curds). He is now a fan of the creamery and cheese making apparatuses and the cheese!

The light house near Oceanside. It was a beautiful day. No rain.
The rocks out in the ocean. We could hear seals or sea lions barking. I really need to learn how to differentiate between the two.

This was a cliff that had some perigin falcon nesting on it. I wont even try to explain where they are nesting but a cute couple had their scopes out and pretty much insisted that we take a look. The falcons were just sitting there relaxin. Out on some other rocks a pair of bald eagles. The woman told us how territorial the birds can be and how they fly after each other to protect their eggs. It was pretty educational in a super passionate fun way.

After our bird adventures David searched for a nice restaurant on the beach. He found a great one! It was one of those fancy places that decorate the plates and the food is simply amazing. I had crab cakes with a citrus mustard sauce that was freaking wonderful. David shared his quail. I had never eaten this bird. I am ok never eating it again ha ha ha. I took this pic in the bathroom. The women's bathroom was so inviting with that fireplace and decor. I had to laugh AND snap a pic. David laughed at me for taking the pic. He is just learning how silly I am.
These are the dozen pink roses with a dozen tulips David brought to my door when he picked me up yesterday. He is spoiling me completely.
I have been really angry lately. Todd has taken the brunt of my anger. I keep arguing with him about our religious beliefs. I am truly frustrated with men. Today in Sunday School we were discussing the Sermon on the Mount when the class took a turn to the BYU honor code violation of a team player. I guess ESPN has been critical about the honor code, stating that it is absurd to require someone to live life that way. I am irritated. 1st this is AMERICA a school has the right to require it's students anything. We all jumped through hoops to graduate-this is no different. Each BYU student is interviewed by their bishop and agrees to follow the honor code of their own free will. If they don't want to live the honor code don't go to school there. 2nd what is wrong with living an honorable life? I mean really? What is wrong with having morals, virtues, standards?
I have a question for you LDS readers. If I choose to marry a non-LDS man and have a wonderful happy mortal life, if I am true to the gospel and keep all the commandments-except the one to be sealed with the everlasting covenant-will I be denied exaltation? I know righteous women who have not had the opportunity to marry in this life will get the chance in the next and will have exaltation. But will I if I choose not to make that sacred covenant?


*Jo* said...

Dear Mary Ann Jones, this is your best and favorite little sister..need I say my name?? I think so!! Its JO JONES!!! I am very grateful for my name..I don't think I have told you that before..but I really am! I love it! A mean kid made fun of it a couple weeks ago and I almost punched him..we were in the church and I didnt let the anger get the best of me. ANYWAYS! I have been thinking of what to comment to your totally awesome david blog..I was at a fireside and it all came to me! So if its ok with you, I will share it with you and a bit of stuff that was said. I honestly don't know what is going to happen when we all get to the Spirit World like if we have to share Dad with Carol or whatnot.. I DO KNOW that the Lord knows and he will take care of us!! Somewhere I heard that if we don't meet the one here, the Lord has the perfect guy in Heaven for us:) I do know that with temple marriage you will be greatly blessed and be joyous beyond belief!!!! And that life here might be a tad better:) Im not saying that you will not be blessed or happy without temple marriage, just that it will be wonderful you will have someone to sit by at church:). Here are some things Elder L Tom Perry said.."Those who embrace His gospel and follow him will enjoy eternal life, the GREATEST of all the gifts of God. I know that the only lasting joy and happiness we will EVER find during our mortal experience will be by following the Savior obeying His law and keeping the commandments." "I challenge you to become the greatest generation by assisting our Father in Heaven's children to return to their Christian faith and to the stron religious foundation that is so necessary to enjoy peace of mind and the real happiness in this period of out mortal probation." I hope that this long letter/comment will help you. I heard a bit of what dad told you.. I was told to always go to my parents if I have a problem for they would NEVER lead me astray and since we have the same parents, I will let you borrow that advise:) sometimes I think dad is on crack and mom just supports me with whatever and is happy if I am happy..but they give great advise and dad's "bad feelings" are just that..I just don't like listening and I need to learn from my own mistakes..but they are smart and have been through so much that I haven't and probably never will. A while last week before David was always there, I had a dream that he became a member of the church. Maybe he will. When I was in DE, most of the members were converts and half of the most their spouse introduced them to the church:) I love the picture of you and David. When you sent me a picture of him I was like yay I like him but meh.. but together you guys are cute and you sorta look like you belong:) like how pictures of us you can tell we belong!! I love you super much and know that you are constantly in my prayers and thoughts and heart! Love, JO JONES
ps my word verification is cracko!!! LOVE it!! not actual crack, just the word..

Lizi Bates said...

Wow I liked Jo's comment. Sisters are the best! David seems like a great fella and it looks like you two have fun together. That is awesome! And Silly Mair seriously, there are a MILLION reasons why he likes you! Earlier today I read Elder Oak's talk from last general conference about the two lines of communication....personal and priesthood. I think your question is quite interesting and I don't know the answer for you, but maybe those two forms of communication would help you figure things out. Continue feasting on the good word and building up your faith. Anyway I like the effort David is putting in to your relationship. Oh yea and I agree with what you said about BYU and the honor code. Play somewhere else if you have a problem with it, sheesh people! Love ya Mair. I hope you have a sun-shiney week!

cheeks said...

whoa....i have a baby and miss so much when i don't check in for a couple weeks :) your house must smell amazing with all those beautiful flowers everywhere!

ok, You have men all over the place!! David sounds nice! What's with the email guy....seriously, some guys are so stupid!

hmm, i wish i knew the answer to your question...i like your sister's advice, especially about going to your parents. it makes me sad to read your post about giving up on temple marriage and other church related goals. i don't think you have to give up on ANY of your goals or expectations in life. i think if you aim high you won't be disappointed when you reach that goal. I have learned from many friends (and different situations) that TIMING is everything. The Lord's timing that is! I wish we could see the big picture, but then i guess we wouldn't learn anything or grow along the way, would we?

Thanks for keeping me posted on your life. I love that you took a picture in the bathroom! I would totally do that! Why is there a fireplace in there?!?!? haha! The coast sounds wonderful right now! The geese at the pond behind our house are back, makes me think of you....spring must be coming!

Kim said...

Are you choosing not to have a temple marriage? Or are you choosing to marry, but don't have the option of a temple marriage? the two things are entirely different you know. But, the real truth is that it is between you and God. Talk to him if you want the truth. Asking us is nice, but it isn't about us, you know?

*Jo* said...

kims comment is super great..just sayin!!

Melissa Rees said...

You wouldn't be denied the glory of the celestial kingdom if you kept true to the gospel but married a non member. He will have the chance here on earth and in heaven to accept the gospel. You have done your part and Heavenly Father knows the intent of your heart. This guy sounds like a keeper!

Maria said...

Ditto what Melissa said. I know that God knows your heart and your intent and that's all that matters! Stop worrying about the details. Be happy!

Angie said...

I'm just happy that you took a picture of the bathroom. :-D