Monday, October 03, 2011

Scott is a Blessing to me.

Scott spoiled me so much during the week he was here. He took me to dinner every day-except Sunday where we cooked together at home. He drove me to work every day, came back for lunch, and picked me up after work. He bought me trinkets everywhere we went. 
He had flowers delivered at work! He thought of little details to ensure my happiness.
Thursday after work Scott and I flew to SLC. We met with my siblings and friend Andrea for dinner on Friday night. It was wonderful being with my family! I love them so much. 

Saturday Scott and I went to General Conference. It was amazing. It was my first time going to Conference. I have been in the conference center before and I am still amazed at the size of the building. It holds 21,000 people. It was completely packed! Filling and emptying a building that large is a process! I am again impressed with the efficiency of the LDS church. There is such a simple order of how things are done and organized. I love it. I also love how when President Monson entered the room it got completely silent. I doubt President Obama has that kind of power-to silence 21,000 people. 
I was so happy sitting there with Scott. He is a good man. A man I am proud of. 
I have been back in Portland for about 5 hours and my heart aches because he is not with me.

It was a beautiful day in SLC. I was trying to take a pic of us at the top of the Conference Center and a young woman stopped to help us out.

As I said I have been home for about 5 hours and I am missing Scott something fierce. I walked into my apartment and found it speckled with sticky notes.The ones on the couch say--my spot and your spot. They were everywhere, the door, the cupboard, the mirror, the thermostat, the fridge etc. Scott had written sweet things like-you have my heart, I miss you, etc. It made me sob when I saw them. I am not taking them down until my homesick heart feels better! 
I am so blessed to have Scott in my life.
On a personal side note-Dan is on leave and is here in Portland. He has tried to call me and text me and email me. He wants to give me his old computer. I admit my mini is dying and I need to get a new computer. But I am not taking the one from Dan. He should have given it to me last year. It has been sitting unused for a year. 
Now he wants to give it to me-now he wants to see me-now he wants to try again-now he isn't my life-now he isn't my joy-


Lori England said...

I am glad that you have found a new joy! Be strong. My lap top was only $324 so one trip to utah or a new laptop?

Aimee said...

I'm so happy for you! You deserve this!! :)

Bren and Jen said...

It was so good to see you guys and how happy you are together. He's a keeper!

Ruth said...

Just so you know, I have not stopped reading your blog. I am jealous that you got to attend a session of conference that you got to have alone time with the man you love, I could go on. You are a wonderful spirit and I am grateful you are my friend.