Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wishes do come true...

Today I stopped by Albertson's pharmacy to see how everyone was doing. Jeff told me the best news ever! He said he was watching the top 40 videos of 2007 and Matchbox Twenty was on. I was not surprised:) Anyway, Rob Thomas was talking about the video for 'How Far We've Come'. In the video there are clips of Obama and Hillary Clinton. At first I was heart broken because I am not a fan of Hillary. I don't mind Obama. I think he is a good man. Hillary on the other hand is not on my top 1 billion. I don't want to get into it here so let's just say that I was a little sad when Hillary was on MB20 video. But since I live in my little world I chose to believe that Rob was trying to show the world that we have come so far because we have a black man and a woman running for presidential candidacy. So now my heart is happy and my love of Rob can continue. It has been a long time joke at the pharmacy that Rob is my husband. I only have to overcome 2 obstacles. 1. He needs to get divorced. 2. He needs to meet me. Once those two things are done he will be mine. I know this is a unattainable goal, but it is sure fun to dream!

Ok so the news Jeff gave me....He said that Rob said that the music video is not about politics. It is not about Democrat or Republican or Catholic or Mormon. Then Rob continued to say that religion would should not have anything to do with who becomes president and that we would all have to wait until we die to find out who is right, but for him his money was on the Mormons! How funny is that? I just love Rob more! He is the best! Jeff was so thoughtful to think of me! Now this goal can be bad Rob's wife is wonderful:(

Monday, December 03, 2007


My tree is up, my decorations are out, the lights are on, the cocoa is made, the marshmallows are melting, Christmas cards have been mailed. I am starting to feel better but it is so forced. I am thankful for all of the advice! You guys are the best! After that post I watched the Polar Express on TV with Kaden (2 yr old boy who I babysit) at the same time Monica did. How coincidental is that? I do like that movie and it was wonderful to watch it with a child who is new to this Christmas thing. I think that explaining to him who Santa was and what a jingle bell is helped me more than anything else I had tried this year to get into the spirit. I am still striving to be more giving and charitable and I know it will come I just have to work at it this year. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas season!