Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stormy Days

This is the beach at Seaside Oregon.

It was a stormy day. The waves were rough, brown, sandy and foamy. After this storm blew in there was a rainbow.

I was enchanted by the foam. It scooted across the sand rapidly as the wind blew strong and constant. This foam fascinated me. I guess my only excuse is that I have been land locked most of my life and have not experienced this phenomenon. I loved it. I arrived at the beach at high tide. There was not much beach to drive on. My truck had waves lapping at the tires. For some reason the power of the wind, the anger of the waves and the churning of the water and the movement of the tide made me a little nervous. I am unaccustomed to this raw power.
I liked it ha ha ha.

I enjoyed my therapeutic day at the beach. I had some self realization that was wonderful for my soul. I am working hard at getting myself back. I am amazed at how much I have let Dan change me. I thought I was stronger than that.
Well I hope you enjoy the cold west coast scenes.


cheeks said...

the pics are beautiful! i completely believe that the ocean is therapeutic....i'm trying to suck some of that here to ohio through the computer screen right now! ha! that is cool that you can drive right onto the beach....i didn't know that was an option!

Ruth said...

I want to go to the beach! I long to see this for myself.

Melissa Rees said...

Hang in there!! Things will work out the way they are supposed too. As for the kid thing, my heart breaks for you, but things have to be absolutely right to bring a kid into the world, and even then it is hard as hell!! Please don't feel bad if it doesn't happen for you. There is a reason for everything!

Lori England said...

Oh man I really want to come and see you! Stay in Oregan for a few more years and I will make it!

Lizi Bates said...

Wow these pix are awesome!! Isn't the ocean amazing? It's crazy how different our oceans look! We never get waves that big over here. I like storms and all the excitement that comes with them, but I also love the immense peace that seems to come after a big storm...you pointed out there was a rainbow after the storm...this analogy made me think of you. I hope after your 'storm' you find that immense peace and a beautiful rainbow!

Heidi said...

Wish I were there to smell and see those waves with you! Good word...raw power for sure! So happy to see you are taking good care of yourself! It's an easy thing to lose oneself...

vicki said...

Gorgeous pics!

Angie said...

These pics are a poem waiting to happen. :-D

And do you remember me telling you about an evil villain named Travis who treated me horribly?

It's not your fault, hon. Not a damn bit of it.