Wednesday, September 05, 2012

How can I keep practicing?

I feel so icky, discouraged, failure, criticized, lacking, not good enough, sick to my stomach, anxious, about to be fired!

These feelings have been growing ever since I started working in Duchesne as a dental hygienist. It started with an 85 yr old woman who had several mobile teeth. She had clean teeth above the gumline but underneath was a different story. She declined bite wings. I had a mere pano to work with. She was treatment planned for 4 quads SRP and extraction of 23-26 with placement of bridge from canine to canine. She appeared on my schedule for 2 quads in 1 hour. I started. I only got one quad done. It was intense. She stated that her previous dentist in Duchesne (recently retired) never cleaned like that. After explaining that he was a good dentist and that I do things different I realized that her calculus had been forming since 1974! I did another quad another day. 19 was very mobile and 15 mm pocketing. I told the dr after her appointment that I did not get that tooth very clean. I said it was too deep and too encrusted added to that the prognosis was not good. She is 85! At this appointment the patient also told me she was getting a hip replaced after her cleaning. I told the Dr this. Several appointments later the patient had some extractions. The Dr added some more teeth to the extraction list due to her surgery. He saved them and showed me all the calculus on the teeth. I said Yup-I told you! I feel so horrible. This woman paid $600+ for me to clean her teeth and I didnt do a very good job. UGH! I feel just retched.

Yesterday another patient came in for extraction. Dr found calculus on it also. I had done cleaning on him. I am a failure! I cannot clean teeth to save my life. No wonder I needed remedial training in school. Have I ever been able to clean teeth? For the last 3 years I have had easy patients and while I admit I dont know how I survived 2010-2011. I am now positive that Dr M covered for me! How can I keep working for this dentist? How can I look him in the eye knowing I am less that worth my wage! I am failing all around.

I have ZERO satisfaction in work. I want to hide in a cave somewhere so no one can see my failures and weight gain. I want to quit and give up!

Possible solutions: better instruments, longer appointment time, some validation that I can actually remove deposit on teeth!

I did have pictures of said teeth-but blogger is not letting me add the photo or change who I give permission to read my blog! I want to give up fighting with computers.


Em said...

Mair, could these pt possible need to see a Periodontisit? If so, you do not have the proper equipment to give the proper care. You are only truly effective around 6mm sub.(from the looks your pt has severe perio) Anything great without proper equipment (scope, flaps) you truly can not get to the bottom of the pocket...get your scientifically proven material together from your professional journals and have them ready to read to your doctor.

Lizi Bates said...

So I didn't understand most of the dental jargon, but I'm sorry you're so upset. I'm pretty sure that calc built up for almost 40 years would take some serious tools and time. I think you clean teeth WONDERFULLY! Seriously. You are my favorite hygienist, and not just because I know you. Chin up!