Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Cutest Niece Ever

This is Shay Lynn Bishop. She is my niece. She is 2 years old. In this pic she is sad because she asked her Aunt Mair for another piece of cheese. Mean old Aunt Mair said no because she has been having some constipation issues and she had already eaten 2 pieces of cheese. But after that lower lip (which was lower before I took the picture) my will power was shot. So I convinced her to eat a little more zucchini and then I would let her have a piece of cheese. She ate the zucchini and then devoured the cheese. Boy does that girl love her cheese! Anyway, I just wanted to show the world how cute she is!!! So I was in Delta over the holiday weekend. My nephew Ty and I decorated his room with fabric cars and spider-man figures. We dipped them in liquid starch and stuck them on the wall. Shay wanted to help but once she realized she had to get her hands dirty she decided to watch. Then Ty and I had a small water fight in the bathroom while we were cleaning up....I am pretty sure his mom-my sis-might be mad at me....

It was such a fun weekend. We ate all sorts of veggies from the garden. I ate about 1,000 BLT and 10 lbs of fresh cabbage and 984 ears of corn. It was DELICIOUS! I love this time of year!

Now I am back in Cedar and tomorrow I get to move into my house. I am going to be living upstairs but the upstairs people are still there so I will be camping out in the basement apartment of the house. At least I will be closer to becoming settled in....


Em said...

Mary Ann your living conditions is funny. Thanks for posting on the new groups blogs. I do love digital. If I make a mistake I can quickly fix it with out having to go and develop in the way way hot room. Arn't kids the best. I give in a lot to Bj which is going to kill me in the end.

Jo's Crazy Adventures said...

I MISS YOU ALREADY!!! I missed you yesterday, ill have to call and tell you about it. so today at daycare i had a meaningful talk with ty and we were buddies for maybe five minutes...then he hated me again. then when i left i said bye and blew everyone a kiss and he said bye see you tomorrow-real happy like- and started to blow me a kiss, but then he remembered he hated me and gave me a crusty instead....i have been demoted....sad day that im not the fav aunt anymore. loser face. i guess i can buy him books and you can have the trouble of picking out the perfect present! its hard work you know. oh oh ty was the first one to try out the new first aid kit at daycare. oh crap, gotta go to work. ick! loves and kisses

Unknown said...

Hey Mary Ann,

I love your top ten list on the last blog... you don't miss starting school. Something I will totally relate to in another year! :) Its good to hear there is life after hygiene and you are living it up!

Jami said...

hey, it was so great to see you on friday! You look great, love the hair! I'm glad things are going well for you...let us know how the new house is once you get all settled in!