Thursday, October 19, 2006

Are bad days contagious??

Ok so I have been reading some blogs from WSU. The dental hygiene students there are having a tough minute. I remember those minutes and sympathize greatly. What I did not know is that they are contagious! I was looking forward to Wed so much! I could not wait to get in there and clean the rings of calc off of my patient! Well the day started off with my first pt being 20 minutes late and he was a friend of the Dr so the exam took forever. So now I am 30 min behind. By the time I get to calc boy I am almost 45 minutes late. Then to top it off the digital xrays in my room were being retarded---it ended up being a wire thing but who knew...So I am late and then calc boy had some serious calc! I could not believe it. I worked my fingers off. He was bleeding so much I could barely see. I really wished I had an assistant or CA or instructor there to help me with the high volume suction but alas I was alone with the blood spraying everywhere from the ultrasonic. I have a piezo and the water spray is a little different from the magnistrictive ones I used in school. When I was cleaning up my opertory there were blood splatters everywhere...So by now I am feeling like a looser hygienist who is late and cannot get the calc off even though I cleaned calc boy the best I could I am just not positive I got it all off. I am so glad I see him again next week for another quad...I can redeem myself. THEN to top it off my Dr found a probe depth I missed. I had recorded a 4mm pocket on the distal of a tooth that had a crown with recurrent decay under it. Well it really had a 9mm. He did not yell at me and even blamed it on hitting a piece of calc but he just wanted me to be sure I got around the deposits and probed deep enough. I felt/feel horrible! Now the tooth will not be able to be saved because of the extent of perio. Man I feel like a looser RDH!!! I know I should not feel this way. Everyone is entitled to bad days and I need to remember the good days and patients and not focus on the bad ones. Well to sum up my day; I did not take a lunch and when my last patient of the day arrived I was still taking xrays on my patient (running me about 55 min late). Yesterday was the first day that I was the last one t leave the office. I had to close up shop and set the alarm. I must have done it right because no one told me differently today.

On a much lighter note this is my cute niece again. Her mom is weaning her from the binky...well one night she was sad and put two in her mouth. She is so freaking adorable to me that I have to share her with you all....


Aimee said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day! Was the moral of the story that even graduated/licensed RDH's have days where they feel like crap? Well, I'm glad I have that to look forward to!'s all reality! I'm sure i'll have to deal with situations like that too once I'm graduated. Thanks for always commenting on my blog, and being my super senior peer pal!!

Em said...

Oh Mary Ann, I am sorry for your bad day. But I would still traid my school days with your anytime!! And Aimee she is MY super senior peer pal!!;)Are you sure you don't want to come back? You could be adjunct.