Friday, November 30, 2007

Sad Days

Today southern Utah is supposed to get snow. It is not 5:12 pm and all we have had is rain. I am not sure when the snow is coming but I was actually looking forward to it. It makes me feel more Christmasee when there is snow falling. I am struggling feeling the spirit this year. I don't know why. I thought a little snow and drive through the neighborhood to see the lights would put me in the mood but alas there is no snow. I hate feeling like a Scrooge! But today I feel like why do we need presents? I have enough crap sitting around my house and I truly do not need more. I don't want any gifts but I know I will receive some and therefore need to get some for them. What am I going to do? I have listened to Christmas music and it has not helped-it fact it is doing the opposite...making me hate the season. To top it off I get to speak in my church in 2 weeks about neighborly love. This is impossible to feel neighborly love when I have such a closed hard heart. I really need to find the true meaning of Christmas fast so that I can enjoy my holiday season-not to mention the people around me- Sad days.....


missandreajune said...

Hey cute girl! I posted on my blog... and was so excited to tell you! I'm sooooo sad to hear you are down regarding the season. Rob a bank and come to Indiana with me! ;-) I'll call ya later, and remind me to share my "building graham cracker houses" scripture with you. Cheers girl!-AJ

cheeks said...

HEY!! Sorry your spirits are down. This is what i think...well, first--do you have a Christmas tree yet? I can't get "in the mood" till i've decorated a tree, even if it's only a 15 inch tall one with fiberoptic lights and "chupa-chups" suckers as decorations! (My dorm room tree 1st year of college).

Second...after the tree is up, and lights on...turn off all other lights in the house and cuddle up with a blanket and mug of hot cocoa and just enjoy the lights!! Make sure there's "Manheim Steamrollers" Christmas music in the background!!

It's hard to get into it with no snow, all we've got is rain so far too...try to enjoy the neighbors lights even without the pretty white stuff! I hate the hustle and bustle of the whole "gifting" part of the season. I love just being with family and friends! I hope some of this helps....i will pray for snow in Cedar City tonight!

Monica said...

I bet you finally got snow.... We finally did in on Dec. 1st-in the SLC valley. I hope it cheers you up.
You should watch the Polar Express-it was on tv. It is such a cute movie. I watched it tonight with Briley and I think I liked it more than she did!
I hope you're better!

Anonymous said...

I'm setting up my tree tonight. And Heroes finale is on. I think you should come over......

Aimee said...

Yeah, I agree with the Polar Express suggestion. I hope that by Christmas you can hear that bell!!