Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Lately I have felt that I have not had any blog worthy experiences so I have not posted. I have pulled up my blog and logged in and tried to write something and just have not been able to get my fingers to type any word. I am ashamed to admit that I have become boring. I cannot believe it. I get up in the am, go to work, come home, fix dinner, and knit the end. How lame and boring is that? I am sure the cold snowy weather has something to do with it, but sheesh.....

Actually I am remembering some fun things I have done lately. I went up Cedar mtn. There is a cabin aka super nice home owned by some Vegas bar owners and my friend has access to it (after saving their lives in a snowmobile accident). So 2 weekends ago we go cruising up there to spend the night. We get there and the driveway had not been plowed so George hikes in through waist high (he is 6'4") snow and gets a snowmobile. He makes one pass and is coming around for another when he gets stuck. So we end up all wading through the snow. I was soaking up to my thighs. We get inside and the furnace is not working and is tripping the breaker everytime we try to turn it on. So the guys are trying to figure that out and us girls make a fire. Thank heavens for starter logs!!!! It was about 30 degrees inside the cabin. The water in the toilet bowls were frozen and ice was hanging from the kitchen faucet. George was a little worried because the guy who used the cabin last obviously did not drain the water out of the pipes and the possibility of broken pipes was very real. So after several hours we find out the furnace had experienced a fire and was out of commission until Mon so we heated up the stew we brought and made hot cocoa in the microwave and snuggled in all our clothes and blankets. It was very chili. The next day was much better. With the sun shining in the windows and the fire going all night we got the cabin up to 74. It was rather toasty. So we got the snowmobile unstuck and had some fun. We made snow caves, jumped off the deck into the snow and had all sorts of fun. Then we cleaned up the place and left. It was quite the weekend.

Last weekend I worked at Albertsons pharmacy. It was really quite fun to be working there again. I really do like working there--now the pharmacy school bug has me by the throat again....Will this bug ever let go. I guess I will just have to do something about it.

Hey does anyone know of a good program to learn Spanish?


Aimee said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun at the cabin! I wish I knew someone that had access to a cabin :)

When you described your life, I was smiling because you were also describing my life. I know that I have the winter blues. It is no fun, and I'm really looking forward to the spring.

I'm so glad to see you post though, I was starting to get worried! Keep 'em coming!

Monica said...

See, you're not borning! All I ever blog about is my boring life as a mom and my kids. I mean come on-who really cares about that (besides me)????

I had no idea that you wanted to do pharmacy school. More power to ya if you can endure more school!

cheeks said...

hey good to hear from you! I think it is the winter blues...i feel like there's nothing to blog about...hence my lame posts! My boss just left to Jamaica for his annual vacation. I would highly recommend this to anyone! I have decided (when we have $$ again) that this will be a tradition i want to start. Everyone needs some sun in the winter!!

Sounds like your cabin trip was quite the experience! It wouldn't have been as memorable without all the crazy things that happened!

BreAnna said...

Yay! Mary Ann is back!! I have been missing you! I think it is great you still work at the pharmacy on occation! Sorry no Spanish advice here, I hear the rosetta stone is a good one?