Monday, July 21, 2008

Music Update

It has been a long time since I have written about music. I will remedy that today. Right now there are three songs that really speak to me. Whenever I hear them I blast the radio and sing along. They are great songs. And since I am not cool enough to have music on my blog you will have to read about it and click on over.....

First is Avenged Sevenfold's 'Afterlife'. This song speaks to my inner rocker! I love this song and have for about 7 months. The video is HOT. The lead singer wears a lower arch grill for part of it and I just about melt with how sexy he is. He is all tattooed up and pierced. Both guitar players are amazing to me as well. Their piercings and tattoos are amazingly hot and lets not forget their mad skills. So I just cannot be bothered to post pics of them so if you are curious here is a link....Avenged Sevenfold. Thanks AS for producing such a great song that speaks to me!

Second is The Airborne Toxic Event's 'Sometime Around Midnight' ( This song is amazing. I have heard it the first time on July 3 on the way to Delta. It touched the sappy love strings in my heart. I am in love with this song. Since July 3 I have heard it on the radio 6 times. Every time I hear it I ask everyone around me who sings this song. No one knew. Finally I recorded part of it on my phone and was on my way to google the lyrics when the radio station finally told me who it was! I was so happy. I listen to SUU's radio station and since it is summer the computer is playing songs and there just is not a DJ there but they have taken the time to record who sings that song and play it with the song. I am so happy! So right now I am listening to other songs by this group from England on U-Tube. Check out this song I know you will love it. It has only been posted for 6 days and only has 531 views. I want to change that. It is a great song. Trust me. I am also digging 'Does this mean you're moving on'.

Third is going to have to be Staind's 'Believe' ( This is also a great song that touches me! I am made for chasing dreams!!! I need to remember that when I am feeling down about myself and lack of boyfriends. I mean I am cute-a little chubby; but dang it I am worth dating! To all single males out up and ask me out!

Well that is my blog on songs. They are dear to me and my heart. Thanks for reading....

ps. I must give props to Seether and their song 'Rise Above This' ( During the vedio the lead singer looks sideways at the camera and just about knocks me on my feet. His brown eyes and lip ring are to die for! The song is also noteworthy. It is hard to rise above doubt. I doubt myself everyday while cleaning teeth. I LOVE the line 'I'll mend myself before it gets me' To me it is saying that we are all messed up and all have issues but that he is trying to get over the helplessness and rise above this! And if he can so can I!


Anonymous said...

So I watched/listened to all of them, and I agree completely with the hotness. But that Seether video is sad! :-(

Good taste in music, friend. :-)

Lizi said...

Dang I wish our computer had sound, I'll just have to take your word for it. And I'm so glad you put David Cook on i-tunes...I listen to some of his songs quite frequently, you've converted me! And I had no idea you liked tattoos and body piercing so much. You're always full of surprises :)

cheeks said...

maryann....i've never been a person that "knows about" indie groups and cool songs that you never hear (crystal is into that too), so i love that you are sharing some of these new songs with everyone! I really liked the "sometime around midnight" song! I've liked some of seether's stuff in the past, that new one is great! THanks for getting me out of my rut and finding some new songs to share! You're fabulous!