Sunday, September 14, 2008


So today I am super mad. I am so frustrated with good and evil. This weekend I found out that yet another friend of mine is going through divorce. I am super pissed. What the Hell? What is wrong with men and women today? What is the point of being married? Is there no security in any relationship? What have I been looking for all these years? I'll tell you....I have been looking for a man who can handle me and all my weirdness and greatness--and can give some good... Now I have realized that the odds of achieving this are very small, minuscule, obsolete.

So this realization of my odds make me question my whole spiritual foundation. I mean if a person loves the Lord and follows the commandments to the best of their ability and understanding and yet no eternal marriage is achieved what hope do I have who am flawed and fail at commandments. I really feel like jumping off the deep end and breaking a few commandments on purpose....could be fun could break my heart who knows. All I know is that I am frustrated with the hope of ever having a healthy relationship.


Em said...

Mair, I've been going through that this last year. What's the point? I just don't know. Mair, we can follow the gospel and do whatever we need to do but sometimes two people just don't fit. No matter how hard you try. Does one stay hoping things will get better "kids" and diggin themselves in deeper or do they move on?

To be honest, I think the Mormon’s marry too fast. We don't believe in sex before marriage and sometimes people just get married because they're horny. So they get married just so they can have sex but not really thinking beyond that. Anyway, just my thoughts, random as they are.

And I think I'm the aggressive hygienist. I'm scared to death to go private because I HAVE to be aggressive and sometimes it's hard to back off. And I STILL leave stuff behind. Some of my pt's I just can't get it all.

Hey, what the hell are you still on for Hawaii? We could do some serious commandment breaking in Hawaii maybe a tattoo a nice fruity drink and MAYBE an escort too…..yea, I’m losing it.

Anonymous said...

It's like we're the same person! But I think you handle it way better than I do....

If you wanna chat in person and have some mindless entertainment afterward to make you feel better, I still have the last three episodes of My Boys recorded just for you whenever you want to (and no rush, I'll keep them as long as you want).

Em said...

Mair, thanks...I needed that.