Thursday, June 17, 2010

Differences in Probes?

Introducing the Marquis probe. This is my probe of choice. The probe is a very important instrument for dental hygienists. I use mine every patient every time. I never knew there was a difference in probing devices. One of my first weeks at Dr M office he asked me if I liked the Marquis probe. I told him honestly that I did not have an opinion. Well February 2010 I developed an opinion. I love the Marquis probe. Since discovering my stance on the subject my co-workers have teased me and teased me for taking my sweet time forming an opinion on this subject. I took over a year to decide.
What makes this probe ideal for sinking into pockets? I am not sure all I know is that it really and truly does slip into the sulcus with ease. I hate it when I probe and my dr asks what is going at the distal of 2 and I say 4 mm pocketing and he probes and gets 6. Ugh. So embarrassing. Well that is all I have to say on the matter of probes. Alien probing will be discussed later.


cheeks said...

interesting! i always liked the other kind (sad that i cannot even remember the name) because that's what my offices had and what we used in school. My office in ohio only has the marquis. I got used to it, but i can't say i had a big preference either way.

vicki said...

This pictures strikes absolute terror in my heart. I did not visit the dentist for 15 years because of this instrument. I completely hate it. When I finally went to the dentist she said that I had no cavities, unbelievable gums and NO TARTAR!! That's because I am a complete Nazi about flossing and brushing my teeth so I don't have to go to the dentist. I will have nightmares about that picture tonight. ;)

Melissa Rees said...

Those are some heavy posts!! So glad Dan is outta your life for good. Josh is HOT!!! You are lucky to have him. And I LOVE your hair!!

Angie said...

Alien probing! Ha! That's why we're friends! :-D