Sunday, October 07, 2012

Who Am I?

Scott and I were driving home from Salt Lake City yesterday when the clock clicked to 10:00 am. I turned the radio to General Conference. As we were driving home and listening to the talks I realized how much I have grown. About 5 years ago I would watch GC and I would enjoy it, but if I missed a few talks or a whole session it was ok. I worked a lot of Saturdays in the pharmacy and we did not listen to it at work. Now I crave listening to the words the leaders of my church. I look forward to 8 hours of church!

For the last 5 or so years I have been this way and yesterday was the day I realized it. I know that I am not a normal person. My experience with other women and sisters and friends have helped me to make that accurate analysis. I am not like other women. I am not like men either. I am definitely an individual person-just like everyone else! My quirks at times make me feel less than normal. And craving 8 hours of church is another one! When I think about it logically 8 hours is a long time yet I will work for 8 hours, I have also taken a few days to watch all of Lord of the Rings movies, or all of Star Wars movies and add that up to more than 8 hours. I have also been known to watch the TV series 24 back in the day and somehow 6 hours just passed by in adrenaline infused tension! So what is so weird about 8 hours of church in 2 days? I guess it is just a new discovery for me. I know I have always felt better after watching conference-kind of like how I feel good after working out but the actual starting and doing the workout is not enjoyable. But now I love watching and listening to GC!!!! 

That being realized I did some self evaluation. I have realized that I am not the same woman I was a few years ago. I can see my attitude and my perspective change over my lifetime. My life experiences have molded me into who I am today-an abnormal woman who loves GC! I am and have been blessed abundantly!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

And you are my friend and that is the best part of all! :) You rock and are such an example to me of strength and courage. I am grateful Heavenly Father brought you to my life.