Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ISO dumping ground

I have been thinking about going to a therapist, a counselor, a paid friend, a shrink, whatever you want to call them. I need one. I cannot let myself trust anyone with my deep secrets and concerns. I dont want this therapist to tell me what to do. I just need to let some stuff out and know for sure that no one will know and that I wont be judged and condemned for my thoughts and feelings. I mean they are just thoughts and feelings not actions. I do not even feel comfortable writing on this blog, even though I only give access to people I trust.  Anyway, this has been a 4 year desire of mine and I keep finding excuses not to have this expense. The end.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Well, start with writing me. I sent you a letter today. I have been thinking about you a lot, since I received your letter yesterday. I am ever so grateful to be your friend. I hope you have never felt judged by me. You are a wonderful woman.