Sunday, February 22, 2015

Time Honored Tradition

I have finally achieved old lady status!
Yesterday we had a Stake Humanitarian activity. Each quilt brought a quilt to tie and we collected small appliances, diapers, pjs, etc for the local Women's Shelter. This first picture is my ward's quilt. We had more sisters helping but they left to help load the trailer with all the collected items. 

This is the majority of the ladies tying quilts. I was sitting there and realized I was part of history. The Relief Society has quilted hundreds of quilts each year and probably millions over the years. It is a time honored tradition. We had a nice quick morning. We started at 10 am. Our quilt was done first--before 11 am. We had lunch at 11:15 am, had speaker, cleaned up chairs and tables etc and home by 12:30. It was a good day and proof that many hands--even old arthritic ones make light work. 

1 comment:

Jami said...

haha--old lady status or not, this is seriously awesome!! I remember staying a summer at my grandparents house in idaho as a young teen--probably 13/14 and my grandma taking me to an RS activity very similar to this, except it was outdoors in someones yard. She taught me how to tie a quilt! I LOVED IT!!!!! So I guess i achieved "old lady status" a long time ago! It feels so good to be of service to people in need!