Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Well, I am still unlicensed. It is getting to be a little nerve racking. My pharmacy job is wondering when I can work, my hygiene job is wondering when I can work and I am wondering when I can work. I do not like dwelling in this limbo. The DOPL website claims to be working on applications submitted by June 9. This is my group. I hope that means that I will be getting my license fairly soon.

Southern Utahs 222 military unit are scheduled to arrive home tomorrow. I am so proud of these men and women. I am a little frustrated with the some individuals who do not support the war. They claim to support the troops because it is not their fault they are at war, but they do not support the reasons for war and the United States sole role in the war. According to the new I have been watching, the US is NOT the only country fighting against terrorists. Canada and England have stepped up considerably more that the US. I guess I am frustrated because I have a brother who leaves for Iraq in December and I have been paying closer attention to the news (way to report unbiasedly Fox News--thanks). I want my brother to be safe, I also want everyone worldwide to have that same security. I know that there in unrest in the world and peace has been removed from this earth. I just pray that we can all accept people and their decisions to better this world. I am proud of the United States and I am glad I am a citizen. I am extremely proud of my bother and his willingness to serve my country. He has made me honored to have him as a brother! I love you Dave!


Aimee said...

I love you too Dave.

Anonymous said...

Try checking DOPL's website and "verify license" because your license # is often posted online for almost a week before you actually receive your license in hand. Good luck!

Tatiana said...

I concure with supporting the war. I think there are many people who get so caught up in the idea that they don't like who the President is, that that's all they focus on. So because the pres. is the one sending them over there, it's not right. False! That's my claim. I think that regaurdless of who is in the white house, we need to get over it and support our country and all it stands for. I've heard that many soldiers want the support for the war because they want to feel like they are over there for their country. They don't want to feel like they are doing it for nothing. They believe in it, otherwise, they wouldn't have signed up knowing that they could end up in this very situation, defending freedom.

BreAnna said...

what an honor to have your brother serving the country, prayers that he is safe coming from new york!

Anonymous said...

I too am very proud of David and his decision to serve. He has come such a long way and in my opinion has made one of the bravest decisions that anyone can. Joining during time of war takes alot of courage. I know what you are feeling. I felt those same things when Paul was in Iraq during Desert Storm. I completely agree with you about our need to be there. When we stop fighting for the freedoms of those who cannot fight for themselves we lose our own freedoms. Whether we personally have elected someone to office or not, as a nation we have elected him and it is our duty to support them. Especially in times of war. Good for you in standing up for this country, more people need to take your example. This is the greatest counrty there is and there is nothing wrong with being proud of it. Love you Dawn

Jo's Crazy Adventures said...

isnt my Dave the coolest?! I have the greatest family in the world!!! i wanted to sleep outside last night and i was too scared!! i wish i had mater to protect me...teeheehee!! k love you bye!