Monday, February 19, 2007

Advice Needed ASAP

Hey RDHs out there in cyberspace, I need your help! I am still struggling with calculus deposits at the base of the pocket. You know the kind that is down there yet the tissues are tight and all your instruments are to bulky to get around the deposit to get underneath. I usually end up scraping the top on the deposit until I can get it broken down enough to get under it. By then I have purple tissue that is severely damaged and all I can think about is how glad I am that I am not taking my boards right now because the amount of tissue trauma I just caused would flunk me. So then I think I am a failure as a hygienist. So I really need some help from you guys. How do you get that deposit off. In this one particular case I have a 6 mm pocket and I have used every tip of the ultrasonic (like the pink and orange ones that are huge meanies). Then I use all Gracey's I have....the rigid, non-rigid, and the after 5 mini ones. I have used my Montana Jack subgingivally....ouch! so what else is there? Let me know what you use and I can purchase one. I could really use some ideas! I feel really bad about causing so much tissue trauma but I had to get that deposit out of there......HELP!!!!


Em said...

Ok, so I am just waiting to hear Jack's sister-in-law say the her kid is Jack's son. What do ya think, I can just see that one commin.

Anonymous said...

mini graceys love them!!!! Thinner and fit great! There is also a new Rigid montana Jack! Love it!!!

You look great! I was going to tell you you needed a pic!!!

Ha! Grey's Anatomy! Aren't u just sweet!!! I am feeling lots better thanks!!!

The Obergs said...

I'm glad you posed the question because I went about the dilemma the same way you do, starting from the top and breaking it down. The info from Jess was great. Also, I love your picture, you look so cute!

Tatiana said...

Hey! We just had mock boards and I had the same problem. I was so nervous to send my pt back b/c I KNEW and still KNOW she had some at the base of the pocket interproximally. I just don't think the counted it b/c they couldn't get any lower. I was seriously wishing they made sicle graceys! :) Bad I know, but the montana jacks don't have a long enough shank to get down there and nothing seems to be small enough. Sorry that I don't have the answer, but wanted you to know I understand what you're talking about!

BreAnna said...

I would try an xp tip, or an everedged instrument, they are really great in these situations (if you can get your dr to buy them they are really a huge advancement in hand instruments). Getting XP tipped instruments really made a huge difference for me. Suter Dental Mfg makes a thin bladed Barnhart 1-2 universal curet, it works great because it is thin but very stable, if you get this instrument in the everedge or xp, you are really set. I think you are doing a great job, the mini graceys are a good option as well, I would still recommend them in xp or everedge. Also dont get down on yourself, just remember that the tissue is diseased anyway, so although we strive to not induce tissue trauma, the tissue isn't in the greatist shape in the first place! hope I helped a little.