Monday, October 13, 2008

A Great Flashlight Holder

So I went to Portland again this weekend...sorry for not calling Emily! I admit I could have made time for you but then when would I have kissed Dan? I just don't know why or how you came in second. Anyway, I was in Portland for 5 days. It was a lot of craziness. I LOVE being in Dan's company. When I am not around him I start freaking out. I get all nervous and start doubting my feelings and his feelings and stuff and stuff.

I went to class with Dan at Portland State Univ. It was weird being back on a campus again. I missed it a little but then when they were talking about tests and projects and papers I was really glad I was finished--well for a min. Oregon does have the expanded RDH and the restorative RDH and the Limited Access Permit (practice RDH w/o dentist supervision ie nursing home) and so I know a girl who is going to be checking into those and probably taking a class or two.

For the weekend we went to Hermiston to Dan's parents place and worked on cars all night long. Yes you heard me ALL night long. It was so cold I thought I was having a seizure. And since I am the pro at intricate auto workings I got the important job of flashlight holder! I felt so productive and useful-yeah right I felt like a clueless Barbie doll. Anyway we worked all night until about 11 am when we loaded all the metal and took it to be recycled and then we came home showered and slept. THEN woke up worked some more then slept and woke up @ 2am to get me back to Portland to fly out by 8:30am. So pretty much the entire weekend was sleep deficient for Mary Ann. It was rough. I am a very grouchy person when I am hungry and tired. So Dan got to see a little glimpse of the cranky me..although I held it in pretty well and managed to earn the title of 'best flashlight holder ever' bestowed by his friend Caralee who has mad mechanic skills. She was so nice and did not make me feel worthless or intimidated while she worked her tush off with the rest of us.

So while things are going well in Portland I am still trying to listen to everyone. It is hard to be objective because I want to be with Dan so much. I feel it is a good decision. BUT there are a lot of people out there who are scared for me and don't want to see me get hurt. To all of them I have to say....The only way I will not get hurt is to not try something new. I don't want to get hurt either but I cannot live in my little basement apt for the rest of my life either. I need to grow and if getting growing pains is required then I need to learn to take the good with the bad. I am not sure what the future holds. I just hope I can take the downs with all the ups!


Melissa Rees said...

I am very happy for you! Unless you move to Portland and then I am hunting Dan down. Motherhood is a whirlwind! I am surprised by how hard it is to take care of an infant. I am very sleep deprived, I get intensely frustrated and question myself on this decision. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" I wonder alot. But all Deacon has to do is smile and it's all worth it! Hard as hell, but worth it!

Anonymous said...

go for it wonderann!!! i love you!this is jo jo face. you are the greatest big sister ever and i love you to death!!!!

Scott and Misty said...

We miss you too Mair! I am so happy for you. You are wise and mature and we all know that you are in tune and willing to listen to answers. Have fun and enjoy the whirlwind you are in. Love you!

Aimee said...

That makes great sense to me! Might as well give the man (and yourself) a shot at this! Good luck!!

Scott and Misty said...

you had me at mechanic....

from scott

Em said...

I’m crushed!!!! LOL I totally understand, Mair. Have fun, be free and enjoy yourself. And you are right, you’ll never know if you don’t try…that’s my problem, not trying. You’re my hero. And no way do I want to do expanded functions…I have enough on my hands with perio.

cheeks said...

HEy...what a weekend! I would be in your same shoes (holding a flashlight)!!! I totally am the blonde who knows nothing about cars! Did you know you have to keep your blinker fluid filled?! Someone told me that once! ha ha

As for Dan the man....everyone will ALWAYS have their opinions about anyone you'll date. But it's so true what you said. If you don't give it a shot, you'll never know... I have some close friends...they are Rascal Flatts (yes, you know i love them). Well they have a couple of songs i is "Broken Road" which i'm sure you've heard. Their other one is "Here." They both talk about how they would go back through any heartbreak to get where they're at now...each experience (even if it's bad or hard) is a stepping stone to get to happiness. Hmmm, this is really sounding cheesy! ha ha OK, in my words..."HAVE NO REGRETS!"

Thanks for your sweet comment! Yes, i'm stoked and scared and happy and freaking out inside all at once! I I'm sure it will be an adventure!