Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Veiw

I know I have mentioned that I work at 6:30 am on Thursdays. I love it. I get off at 2:30 and usually have the weekend ahead of me. I am a morning person. I love the am. But the hardest part of working so early is the darkness. In the depths of winter it stays dark for 2 whole patients. It is hard working half the day in the dark ha ha ha.
This Thursday I noticed that light was breaking up the darkness during my first patient!!! I was so excited I ran to get my camera after dismissing him. I chose to get a view from the Dr opertory. I am sure you are sick of my view. There is still a slight pink to the mountain...that mountain is Mount St Helens. Notice how blunted the top is.
The other land mark I want you to notice is the red metal bridge. Every day I look at this bridge and admire the flag flying proud and strong. I love the bridges of this city.

As the day progressed the day got more beautiful. They sky was clear and blue, St Helens looked wonderful and of course the red bridge. Honestly real life is so much better. The human eye captures the emotion and buzz of the city and the calmness of the snow covered volcano. Spring is definitely coming.
I went to Seaside today. I parked on the beach and pulled out my camp chair and my book are read for about 4 hours. It was a marvelous day. The waves were soothing and comforting. Many families came out to enjoy the day. It was fun to share the beach with so many sun seekers. I opted not to take any pictures. But trust me it was a beautiful day with the waves coming and pounding the sand.
I spent some solo time today. I would like to say that I chose to be alone but it was kind of forced on me. I miss my support system of family and friends in Utah. They were so great to me and if I was alone it was because I chose to be. I was never lonely. Oregon is beautiful and lonely to me right now. But my life is what it is. I need to focus on the best parts....the red bridge and the beautiful sunshine.


Maria said...

I love your view and I love that you are doing so well out there. I can't wait to come visit. I am so envious that you can sit by the ocean and read. That sounds wonderful! Your support system may be far away geographically, but you know we're always here for you :)

cheeks said...

even though there's miles between your "support system" and you, know we are always thinking of you! I love all the views from your office. They are beautiful!

Maybe if I had a beach and crashing waves at my feet I would read more....??? sounds amazing!

Ruth said...

This is beautiful! I too, am a morning person!

Angie said...

This post is beautiful. :-)