Friday, February 26, 2010

Cherry Blossoms and Chocoflan

This week has been full of ups and downs. My sinuses are full. I keep blowing and blowing and gallons of stuff...gross stuff comes out. I breathe for about 2 minutes and they are full again. Even as I write this morning I have a small mound of tissues aka snot balls. My life is so gross. I have hope that I am almost over this cold. But I guess there is the allergy component. Oregon has had a really warm February and the cherry trees are in bloom, daffodils are up, tulips are nigh upon full bloom. It is wonderful to say the least. I am enjoying the spring blooms and the freshness if it all.

This is all that remains of the chocoflan I made Wednesday night. My friend Kym is the dental assistant at my office. she loves flan. I saw this cake on a blurb on food network. I downloaded the recipe (link here) and decided to make it. I buzzed around the kitchen and whipped this cake out in less than 30 minutes. While it was cooking I read the reviews and the panic started....

This cake is a tricky cake. I did not know. You place the chocolate cake into the bundt pan first followed by the milk and egg mixture for the flan. But when it cooks the flan somehow sinks to the bottom and the cake raises to the top so when the cake is turned out it looks like this. I must be a master chef because I followed the recipe...kinda and it worked wonderfully. Dr M and Kym loved the cake. I loved the cake. I gave most of it away to the office so I would not be grazing on it all day today.
The disasters of this cake involved cooking for an extra hour, having a lumpy cake because the buttermilk and flour were added at the same time (which I did), not having ingredients at room temp (I did not I pulled them out of the fridge and mixed it up), turning the cake out before it was cool and the flan was not set and it melted all over the place. There were endless disasters about this cake but I honestly had no problem. I did not do anything fancy I just pulled the stuff out and made it. The recipe said to refrigerate for 24 hours before serving. I laughed at that. Like anyone can wait 24 hours before trying this cake. I tried a piece the second I turned it out of the pan. It was still slightly warm. It was good. I had one yesterday and it was wonderful. I agree. If you can handle resisting this wonderful cake it is honestly better the next day.
I am off for my final blood draw. I stuck myself with a needle at work before Christmas. I have only done 3 SRP patients in this office and one of them I was being an idiot and held the cap with my left hand and poked my finger. I felt like such a dork. What a nightmare this whole thing has been. I am sure I am fine. I have been so far and the patient is fine so I am sure I will be also. And then I will eat a piece of cake....


cheeks said...

hey, sorry about your sinuses....i think you and emri together are job security for kleenex tissues! you should go in the baby aisle and get some "boogie wipes!" they are saline soaked nose wipes and are gentle on the skin...i have to admit they feel nice! good luck with the blood draw....doesn't sound like fun. the cake will make it all better for sure! it looks delish!

Ruth said...

I LOVE cake! I hope you feel better.

Maria said...

That sucks about the needle stick. I once stuck myself with a barbed broach after a root canal I was assisting on. Ouch.

I love that you are so creative with cooking! I would never in a million years attempt to bake a cake. Ha, ha. I'm so lazy. Love that you're having a warm spring with lots of blossoms. We're still in that blah stage: no snow but kinda cold and dreary.

Heidi said...

So beautiful! The blossoms and the cake! Now if I could just smell and taste them. I've never heard of Chocoflan, I'll have to give it a try. Spring is bittersweet for me too due to allergies, but I cannot wait for it to hit Utah. Get well soon!!!

Lizi Bates said...

Mair, it's official, you are a Flan Professional. You make it sound so easy. I wish I could come finish it off for you :) I hope your sinus clears soon. And what is this about a needle stick? I hope you are ok! I bet Pdx has more blossoms than FL right now, it's been a 'cold' winter here and everything died! Enjoy the beautiful spring!!

Lori England said...

Not A fan of flan but the chocolate looks good. At least with your cold you can take something, Ihad a cold and had to suffer:(

Melissa Rees said...

Sorry i get so behind on your posts. These private blogs kill me! The snot thing happens to me all the time so don't feel bad. I personally marvel at how much snot comes out and sometimes I tell people about it. I know, I have issues!! Love the cake but I already know I would suck at making it, so I will drool over your pictures!

Angie said...

You are so fabulous! Really! :-D