Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Happy List

I have reconnected with my friend Josh. He has been my brothers friend for over 20 years. Josh showed up in Cedar City when my brother Dave lived there, then several years later I attend Pharmacy Technician class and who walks in...Josh. He was married and lived in St George. We finished class. I started working at Albertsons Pharmacy. I worked there about 2 years and Josh came in and we needed a tech so he was hired. Josh had moved to Cedar. We worked together for a while. I cant really remember how long but it was fun. We worked hard and had a good time. He was part of what I call the 'Glory Days' of my pharmacy career. I love those days. We were understaffed doing hundreds and hundreds of scripts daily. We barely took time to use the bathroom and eat. Oh how we worked hard. But we also had so much fun. It was the laughter every day....most days. There was a lot of chocolate involved but it was wonderful.

I moved to Ogden for school and Josh might have moved to Nevada. Anyway, I lived the good life at WSU for 2 years and went back to Cedar. Albertsons hired me. I started the Monday after graduation. I am working and loving being back, seeing my old patients and friends. I was the only tech working one Saturday when a computer issue came up. I did not know how to solve it. I tried and tried. I decided to call a tech at one of the St George stores. I called them and Josh answers...We had no idea where the other person was and here we were catching up on life.

I then spend 3 wonderful years working for Cedar Dental Center and occasionally Albertsons. I then moved to Portland and two weeks after being here Josh called me. We chatted and talked about life. He was recently divorced. He was living in St George working for Albertsons again. I tell him I was married and happy. He was so happy for me. As he hung up it hit me like a brick....Josh was calling to ask me out. Well I lived my life. I have had some of the darkest days of my life. I have cried and cried. I have overcome worthless feelings and despair. I am still fighting my self esteem but at least I know I am worth something. The day before my birthday I was working. As I was cleaning a mouth I had the though to text Josh. After dismissing my patient I did.

I know I was supposed to text him. He has listened to me and given me strength to deal with this icky part of my life. He swears I am a blessing sent to him to help him through some parts of his life. So whatever it is, whatever our connection and why we keep crossing paths all I know is that he is the reason I am happy today. Speaking of happy....I asked him to list 20 things that make him happy. He had me do the same. We shared our lists yesterday. Mine is as follows.
2. my family
3. music. Music is a wonderful communicator. I even love the hymns.
4. church. My testimony makes me happy
5. food
6. fresh cut alfalfa
7. sound of waterfalls
8. snuggling
9. clean house
10. watching a movie-escaping reality with a good movie
11.going on a walk-nature is wonderful
12. eating veggies and fruits-I feel so much better when I eat right even though fries are yummy
13. chocolate
14. work-as much as I hate housework I love how I feel after-so much accomplishment
15. reading
16.treating my patients
17. journal-I love writing. getting my thoughts out and onto paper
18. Oregon coast-the ocean
19. crocheting and knitting and sewing...making something out of nothing
20. diet coke w/lime or DDP (diet dr pepper) or diet pepsi

So that is my silly list that truly makes me happy. I get done sharing the list and Josh starts chuckling. He said do you know your list does not have one materialistic thing. I was shocked. I did not realize it but it is true. I did not put my truck or a nice house or a 4-wheeler. Those things never occurred to me. So I learned something about myself. I do not think stuff makes you happy it is experiences and people and God and nature and chocolate and DDP that make me content to live this wonderful life. I am so thankful for my friendship with Josh and with you!!!! Each of your readers give me strength to keep waking up and moving and working and trying to be my best.

I had to put AJ in here just because he is so cute


Lori England said...

I had no idea that you and Josh had such history. I thought you just hang out with him and Dave. Dosent life work in mysteryous was. I am glad that you have found someone to help you through this.
Hey I love that picture! It must be from Jo I will have to get it.

Bren and Jen said...

Mair I can't wait to see you soon. I love Josh, I am so glad he has been there for you. He has been there and probably knows exactly what to say. I am so thankful for him for being there for you. Love you tons Jenni

Angie said...

I like your Josh. He sounds like my Tony. Keep him. :-)

Ruth said...

I love the picture of AJ! He is adorable. I hope the things I said yesterday did not offend you. I always worry...

Aimee said...

I love reading your blog!! You're a great writer. You should write a book, cos I'd buy it! :)

So, are you and Josh gonna go on that date??? :p

Jo's Crazy Adventures said...

i love josh. i always have..even though i dont think i have ever met him..but im pretty sure i love you more and i am excited that we are swapping lodging for medical advise! love you!!

Maria said...

Wow, what a great story! I hope you and Josh continue to be great friends...maybe more ;)

vicki said...

I agree with Aimee! You are a great writer because you write stuff that is interesting. I really enjoy my time with your blog. Now as for Josh...that is VERY interesting as well!! :)

Chelseys Blog said...

Yea for Josh!!!

cheeks said...

so, i kept thinking you were mia when i hadn't seen a new post on reader....only to come here and see you are private again! it's totally understandable though. This post makes me so happy! Josh sounds like a great friend and i think it's so cool that you keep reconnecting....those are the best kinds of friendships that even over many years time doesn't seem to change things! Great list too! AJ is sooo sweet! Do you get to meet him soon?