Friday, May 08, 2009

Pondering Question.

There has been one thing on my mind lately. My office uses Dentrix. But they still write all notes in a paper chart. I have been refusing to use the paper perio chart with the blue/red pencil. I have been putting my probe depths in the computer. This works for me. So I have been trying to be thorough and put recession also. So the question....#2 has severe recession 6 on DB root and 3 straight buccal and 5 on MB root. Then I move to #3 and there is a crown. The margins of the crown go to the gum line so there is technically no recession but the length of the buccal would equate to 4-5 mm of recession. So do I record recession or not? Just because the root is covered does that mean there is not recession? What about Buccal Class V? Is that still recession? Mull that over and let me know what you think.


Maria said...

Ha, ha! My office used Dentrix too but we still charted perio on paper. I loved it because it was so much easier to pull out a piece of paper then get on the computer. I don't like computers very much when it comes to charting.

So I'm not much help with your problem. I vaguely remember Joy talking about this and it was confusing. I think if the root is covered by a crown, you do not record it as recession, even though technically it is recessed. Good for you for being so astute and inquisitive!

Chelseys Blog said...

Ok... so I have NO Idea what to tell you here. I dont understand all the lingo.... but I hope you get it all figured out... Love and miss ya... post some more pic eh?

cheeks said...

oh, how i miss dentrix! my office is a little on the old school side of dentistry! i'd go with maria's answer (only because she's super smart)..and i think we only chart "visible" recession.

So, i love all the spring blooms in Portland! IT looks beautiful! i do love columbus for the rain in the spring as well because everything is SOOOO green! After a very gray winter the rain can come not so welcomed on some days though!

what a cool bridge that is...glad you are seeing some sights!

Melissa Rees said...

Definetley agree with those two. Because it is covered, it's protected and less suseptible to decay, and doesn't need to be charted as recession. That's my opinion, though!

Virginia said...

We only chart visible recession too. Wouldn't the cervical margins of the crown be considered the new CEJ? Good luck!

Em said...

Haven't got a bloody clue. Hey, when Bj flies out of Portland on the 27th of June, think we could get together...maybe on your Sat. Sunday Market...I'm thinkin I'd like to get a tattoo...the henna (?) one.