Friday, January 22, 2010

Light in the dark mist

While I have been experiencing some of the saddest, meanest, most tear filled days I had 2 wonderful days at work. Tuesday I saw some of my favorite patients. My clientele are wonderful. They are consistent. They stay on their recalls. I make their appointment before they leave. They enter it in their phone, we remind them via email and they show up. I have some cancellations per day but rarely do I have a no show. My patients are professional. They are top high-end lawyers, judges, accountants, clothing buyers, architects, doctors, naturopaths, plastic surgeons, and the inventor of the Jasper Jumper ( I love him!). Tuesday I was lucky to have some of my regular 3 month recalls who I have now seen about 4 times. They are shocked to see me still in the office. The dr who owned the practice before Dr Mueller was a hygienist before she was a dentist and went through RDH every 6-8 months. My patients are not used to having someone stay for so long. I think they like that I am constant and now that I have proved I am not leaving they are starting to open up a little. It is fun to hear about the law cases and the new shoes Nike is making and the newest specialty water to drink. I am rambling....One patient in particular is a legal assistant for a high profile divorce lawyer. She gave me some hints and where to get info for my impending occasion. I was so grateful she was my patient that day. I have been reading a Divorce handbook about how to file and the difference between mediation and court divorce, family court and divorce court etc. It was feeling overwhelmed. The paperwork is intimidating.

Later that same day I saw a gentleman who only has mandible teeth. He has an upper denture. His is milking the lower until the day he succumbs to a denture. When I saw him for the first time a year ago he had serious tarter subgingivally on the anterior teeth. I was a little surprised because he had been in every 3 months for years. I took an xray and started working. I quickly realized why the tarter was there. He has a super strong lower lip. He would tense up that lip and I could not get into his 7mm pocket to clean it out. I got him numb, I used a cotton roll to help give me some room but I still failed. I thought I had gotten tons of stuff off and I had; but not everything. In April I took another xray and there were 2 big chunks left. I worked and worked on them. Then in August I tried again. I got one....Then Wednesday I got the other!!!! When he left I shouted I got the calculus!!! Dr M comes into my room to see the commotion and laughed at me showing the big black chunk I had salvaged on a 2x2. I have been working on that chunk for a year and I finally won. I love that my Dr did not freak out and wonder why I had not gotten it off before. I am so glad I got it off. I am sure I will get some tissue resolution like I have in the rest of his mouth. I was just so happy.

I had my yearly review about 2 weeks ago. Dr M said how he liked what I was doing and all our online reviews were fantastic about me....blah blah blah. he gave me a raise in October and at my review he said we would evaluate my pay in June. I was ok with that. But Thursday morning I get to work and Dr M pulls me aside and offers me another raise. He said I was a wonderful employee etc. I laughed because Wednesday I was a bear. I had fought with Dan all morning before work and was just in a mean mood. I cried between patients etc....but I got that dumb tarter off!!! So even though my days are dark and I am mean there is some good in my life. I am so grateful for the raise and great patients and dumb tarter!

Yesterday the sun was out shining all day. It was 57 degrees and so wonderful! I am looking forward to today where I am meeting Natalie--Weber classmate for lunch and then off to my first counseling session! I am pretty excited about this because I am a mess mentally. I need some tools and direction to get my brain in order. It is going to be a wonderful day.


Ruth said...

I need some tools as well. Maybe you can share with me in email. I am with you with the darkness, together we can beat it! Yay for wonderful people to work for and a raise on top of it!

Lizi Bates said...

Mair you are like a dental celebrity hygienist ninja! Really though that is quite the clientele! And I love that you are so excited about your calculus extraction. That is why you are the best really do care and you're in it with your pts! I'm so happy the sun is shining def need some perks in your life right now, woohoo for raises! Hope you're having a pleasant Sunday.

Virginia said...

I like how she called you the celebrity hygienist ninja!

Those tensed lower lips are frustrating! Using a cotton roll sounds like a clever idea!

cheeks said...

way to be aggressive and not give up on that calc! you make me laugh! it's obvious your dr. appreciates you...that is so great! isn't it nice to have a boss that rewards your for your good work? i miss my old jobs (in UT)...the dr here is lame! i'm glad the sun is shining for you! hope ya had a good weekend!

Lori England said...

Looking at things from your bosses point of view. Sometimes you get a string of workers that shake your faith in humanity. And then you get one that restores that faith and you will do anything in your power to keep them happy and working for you forever. I know you and I am sure that you are an answer to their problems! Love you and will see you soon. I am still in disbeleif that he is going to be 8 years old.

The Obergs said...

Oh, I hope it was a wonderful day. I heard that Natalie lives in Oregon, how nice to have a friend (close-ish) by.

Oh Mary Ann, it sounds like you've created a happy life for yourself up there. Once your divorce is final, are you going to stay up there? It sounds like your office/patients would be incredibly sad to see you go.

Enjoy the sunshine for me and best of luck with all of the legal mumbo jumbo

Chelseys Blog said...

I am so glad you are working where you are and with the people the do! I am grateful for the Lords tender mercies! I love and miss you girl.... you are definately my favorite!

Maria said...

I love this post because it makes me happy that you are happy! I wish I was a super-ninja hygienist like you. That's awesome about the raise!

I don't envy you the process ahead, but I know you will make it through, stronger than ever!

Are you planning on staying in OR? I hope you do. You seem to like it there and I want to be able to come visit you and Nat :)