Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Days are Coming

Today is wonderful. The flowering trees are beautiful and fragrant. Although it has rained all night and day long it is still a wonderful day.

Work has been amazing. I get such satisfaction from working. My sister had her third child today. A boy. He is adorable. It does not hurt as bad as I thought....I get to sleep tonight and tomorrow night.. I truly do want my own children but I realize I have missed that boat and so I am waiting for the next vessel to come along.
My eyes are super green. I want to focus on them...and the few wrinkles that are surrounding my eyes. I turned 36 Friday. It was a day....I am now closer to 40 than 30. How sad. truly sad. I have not accomplished many of the 'standard LDS' things. But I have worked hard and been a good woman and tired to follow the commandments of God to the best of my ability. I do not get love. I do not  get a family. But I do have friends who blog and share their families with me. I feel part of their family. It is comforting to know they are out there.
I spent my birthday with Dan in Hermiston. Why? I had to do something. I am fine. It is fine....What I want to focus on is that Thursday Dan calls me up and says what do you want for your birthday? I said I had not thought about it since I assumed you would forget. He did not forget. He said he called my sister Jo Ann to find out what I wanted and what she was getting me. I was irritated. Why is he calling my family? Well I let it go. I think of something I want. I tell Dan. He said too bad it is too late he already got me something. Well Friday comes and goes and no present from Dan. I ask about it on Sunday. He said he did get me something....a $4.99 breakfast at Shari's. I just stared at him. And it hit me like a brick. He is an ass.
I want to thank Josh. He has helped me in a way no one else has. I appreciate him and his listening ear. I am truly thankful.
I also want to thank Jo Ann. Her packages and letters give me such joy. It is wonderful to get snail mail. I love her thoughtfulness. I love her so much!


cheeks said...

Hey! Gorgeous pic of you eyes! And, happy late birthday! I'm sorry about Dan's "gift" to you...so lame. :( But so glad your family is sending you packages...that is my favorite part of living away is getting stuff in the mail and knowing that someone so far away thought of me!

Don't even say that you don't have a list of accomplishments....you are amazing and have achieved many things that others haven't! Keep your head up!

Have a great day....oh, and cute new blog layout!

The Obergs said...

Mary Ann, you really do have incredible eyes and I don't see any wrinkles! I would never guess you are closer to 40 than 30 in a million years! In fact, I don't even know that I would guess you were in your 30's... I guess I just feel like we're all the same age.

Happy, happy birthday! Dan is kind of a douche, but at least he remembered it was your birthday AND took you to breakfast...

Lori England said...

Look at it this way. You will be able to have a family during the mellinum(sp?) and they will be perfect. Love the flowers!

Angie said...

He is an ass, and you are divine. And I will continue to remind you of this as often as possible. :-)

Ruth said...

So once again, I cry when I read your blog. I am so grateful you are part of my family! I love your blog layout and the fact that I too have green eyes! I love the blossoms. I have noticed the flowering trees around town. I long for a flowering tree in my yard. They bring us a reminder of hope out there.

vicki said...

Your eyes are gorgeous! I believe you WILL have a family! Do you know how many of my friends have had one or children in their 40's?? I will be 41 next month and we are thinking of having another one. It's not too late and I know someone wonderful is out there for you!

Jo's Crazy Adventures said...

i love flower trees and i support the vote that dan is an ass and you are divine!!!!! although divine ann doesnt sound as good as wonderann. it pretty much means close to the same. kinda. love you much! miss you much! love love love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps jenni is being boring. i dont even know why i came over here:)

Lizi Bates said...

Happy Birthday again! Mair your eyes are so pretty! Be happy you don't have the bags like me, haha. Those flowers are beautimus too. And I won't even comment on the incredible lameness of some unnamed person. Happy times are coming!! :)

Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

First off, I am a horrible friend because I did not wish you a happy birthday. Know that you are loved. By me!

As far as Dan...ugh. Why? Please wash your hands of this man-child. He doesn't deserve to be in your presence.

I feel some of your frustration. I try to be good and honest and it gets me nowhere. I have to sit and watch everyone else have a field day while I refuse to compromise the few remaining standards I have left. *sigh*

Maria said...

Btw, that was my comment that I deleted. I signed in under the wrong account. Woops!

Melissa Rees said...

Oh how I love you! Life gets pretty s*&%y sometimes but we just have to deal with it. Your attitude is refreshing and I need to learn from it!