Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Check out this picture. Confused? Let me orient you. This is a parking lot of a LDS Church in St George Utah. The two rows of parking are all handicap parking. Yup this chapel has 27 reserved parking spots for those individuals who need the extra space and convenient location.
This ward building is the home of a 55 year old and older ward. There is no primary, young women or young men. Just old fogies. I did not know there was such a demographic. I mean I know about YSA (young single adult 18-30) and Mid-Single Adult (30-45).
It is nice to know that my church while doctrine is solid and strong the delivery changes to adapt to the new demographic and demands of the members.


Lizi Bates said...

Haha that's awesome! Are you in St George right now?? Because we are back in Cedar temporarily! We don't know where we're headed, but are here for now while George finds a flying job somewhere... We must see you if you're in town!

The Obergs said...

wow, that's actually really incredible. I've never seen a parking lot like that before. Ok, I have a question... what do people between 30 and 35 do? is there an in-between ward that accommodates those single people for 5 years of their lives?

Mary Ann said...

Liz I am back in PDX. Crystal I made a typo. The mid singles is 30-45. So sorry.

Ruth said...

I think that is awesome!!!!

Lori England said...


Maria said...

Lol, that's awesome. I want to go to that ward. Peace and quiet without weirdos hitting on you. Aaahh.

vicki said...

HA! That's funny! I sometimes forget to check your blog for a long time because you are private and it doesn't do an automatic update.