Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is This My Life?

This weekend is the Snow Geese Festival in Delta Utah. I am not there with my parents, sisters and friends. Where am I? In Beaverton (suburb of Portland) with Canadian geese! I love them.
While my love of geese is not news I dont really have any news except to tell you once again I am living someone else's life. Last night I had arranged to meet a man I met online for dinner and movie. I did not want him picking my up at my house-safety reasons. But I dont have a car. We arranged to meet at the train stop where there is a lot of people. I got there a little early-thats who I am. I was standing in the freezing cold temps tuck in into my coat and scarf to stay warm. A man gets off the train and walks by. We have eye contact and say hello to each other. He goes by and then stops and comes back. He introduces himself and asks for my email. I am laughing in his face. How rude? I know. But I could not help it. Here I was waiting for a date and getting picked up by another man. I cannot believe my life! The absurdity of it is amazing. I am not skinny or young and cute. I am me. I am happy and I guess that is what makes me stand out. But I just shocked at men! I wonder if I am dreaming or reading a story. This reality is unprecedented.
The date went quite well. David is a superstar at Macafee software company who drives a Challenger, which have the fastest warming, hottest, and overall best seat warmers! His car is sweet and fast and black. But we will see what happens there.
Just sit and laugh at my life. . . .


Ruth said...

I hear good things about men named David! I am so glad you found someone to go out with and someone else to send email with. You a beautiful, talented, successful woman that will find the love of her life!

*Jo* said...

we do need another david around..dont have enough. anyways, i super love your life!! i love you my sista!!

Lizi Bates said...

Dang Mair you should teach a class on how to get guys to ask you out! Glad you had fun on your date. David is a good name :) and hopefully a good guy to boot! So this is random, but we are having a little gnat problem in our house plants. Sara said you might know the solution. Well she told me to put pennies on top of the soil, but then couldn't remember if that's what you got to work on her plants??

Angie said...

Davids are better than Travises. ;-D Also, I was actually just thinking about you and your Canadian geese! Ha ha! How fun! :-D