Sunday, March 13, 2011


Here I am showing off my new glasses. I have had a lot of dilemma choosing new frames. It has taken me 2 months and trying on of many many pairs of glasses. I am trying to like these. I see well out of them. I think I look a bit silly in them but my vision is better than my old frames. It has been a saga acquiring them. Now my mission is accomplished!
David and I hung out all weekend. He took me home this afternoon after spending too much time with me. I had filled his Mair quota for the weekend. I had an enjoyable weekend. Friday we had dinner and a movie at home. Saturday David made us a lovely omelet. It was very tasty.
We then went to see Battle: Los Angeles. I had a hard time with the movie for 2 reasons. 1. I was nauseous. 2. It was military focused and my mind went to Dan quite a bit. It was hard.
Overall my reaction to the movie was pleasant. The characters were endearing and I cared when something happened to them. I liked the story. I liked the movie.
After the movie I got my glasses WHEW
Then David and I went to dinner with his friend Walt and Wendy and their kids. Walt grilled pork chops to perfection. I mean perfection. I love the pig. It is my favorite animal to eat. I was still nauseous and was sad i could not partake in the deliciousness of the brine soaked grilled pork chops. The roasted carrots and sweet potatoes were perfect and while the broccoli was crunchy it too was delish. I cannot even begin to tell you about Walt's home canned applesauce. It was the most flavor packed applesauce I have ever had. The texture was chunkier than store bought and was absolutely wonderful. I understand why Wendy married him-his cooking and AMAZING blue eyes! Wendy just so happens to be a dental hygienist. What are the odds? She graduated in June 2010. Her class of 19 has only 6 employed. That is quite scary! I know the job market is tight but that is extremely tight.
I am thankful for my job. I am thankful I have a house and an earthquake has not hit my area yet. If it does know I work on the 7th floor of an old building and that I love you all ha ha ha.
I am truly truly truly blessed. I think about where I was one year ago. I was a mess, I was so sad. I am much better this year than last. I hope I can say that in one year from today.


cheeks said...

I really LOVE your new frames! you look great in them! sounds like a fun weekend...with lots of yummy food and great company! isn't it scary to hear about all the rdh that can't find work right now? my cousin graduated in may from a school that i think is similar to ucdh....grrr....anyway, she's in the same boat. moved back to her hometown in idaho and can't find ANYTHING. I think you'll be glad you didn't move back to utah before you had secured a job.

*Jo* said...

Tell grandpa hi for me:)

Melissa Rees said...

Love the glasses! And I LOVE that you are doing better! Being happy is the best :)

Maria said...

I also love the glasses. Who is David? How do you keep meeting these great guys? I'm so glad you're happy!

I want to ask out my pharmacist, but I can't until I have a job. I need a major boost of self-confidence. I might have a lead on a part-time hygiene job. I will find out next week and let you know. If I get it, I'm coming to visit you! I really need a vacation and Oregon sounds perfect.