Saturday, May 21, 2011

It has finally happened.

It is official I have become the crazy aunt with yarn. All I need is a cat to make the nightmare complete.
I have been impatiently waiting for this post. I made the cutest crocheted sandals/booties. They are for my soon to be born niece. She will be the daughter of Brent and Jenni. The baby shower is today in Spanish Fork, Utah. I mailed the package and it should be there by now. I hope Jenni does not read this until after the baby shower or the surprise will be busted.

These ones are pink and green. I thought they were so cute.

My favorite were these tiny slippers. Just so sweet.
I also made a hat but forgot to get a pic with my camera so here is my phone version with my annoying blurry picture tv in the background. sorry about that. But look at the ribbon I found with the little white stitches to match. It is just adorable.

I vow not to make sweater vests or toaster cozys; but beware of purses, hats, gloves, slippers and headbands.


Chelseys Blog said...

Mair I love these shoes and am absolutely in love with hat. You are so talented!

Ruth said...

You rock at this!!!!!!!!! Such a talent, that I do not have.

Melissa Rees said...

You are so talented! Maybe you should open your own business?? Those black and white slippers are seriously the cutest. I'm still laughing about the cat too!

The Obergs said...

those are the most adorable little shoes I've ever seen! Way to go mary ann!