Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to you all! I went out of my usual cemetery craze and thought I would share a bridge.

As I was enjoying the non-rain moment in downtown Portland with Todd, the ship The Portland Spirit cruised by making the bridge go up. I have not seen the mechanics of this bridge going up and I was fascinated. Todd laughed at me. He is usually in traffic waiting for the bridge and being annoyed-I think that was a direct quote.

Yup I was too lazy to get off my rear end so I ended up with pics of rear ends lol
Todd took me to lunch at my favorite Rockbottom Brewery. Then we went for a walk to the waterfront. It was 1:30 pm and a parade was starting. We both agreed it was an odd time to start a parade but I guess that is what "keep[s] Portland Weird".  
Todd and I looking into the sunshine. It only lasted for about 2 minutes. All in all I had a pretty good Memorial day. The local country station played great patriotic songs. I loved it. I am so happy there are men and women who fight for my freedoms. I did take time today and think about my ancestors. I hope they know they are not forgotten.


Ruth said...

He is a cute guy! I am glad you had someone to spend the day with! I want to see bridges. This is my new plan in life!

cheeks said...

wow.....that is a pretty freakin cool bridge!!

Melissa Rees said...

What a good day! I did absolutely nothing, since Utah weather sucked really bad that day!

Maria said...

Geesh, Mair, I read your last couple of posts. That sucks about the online dating. I have been watching "The Bacherlorette" and it's so depressing because there are so many hot, amazing men out there and I can't meet any of them! Instead they go for a loser like the bachlorette. Ugh.

Those knitted booties are so cute!! You are so talented!