Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Jo

Let's start this party with a shot of the leaves 2 days before I left Portland. Later this day a large storm came in and blew and rained and smashed the leaves to the ground in one afternoon. The resulting gutter clogs and slippery sidewalks that followed were epic to behold. I do love the red leaves though. They were picturesque and serene!  
Shortly after getting to Utah I was met my Scott. We spent Friday together just being together. It was wonderful being with him again. Saturday was a short lovely funeral of my aunt. It is great knowing I will see her and all my other loved ones again after my time in this life. 
Fast forward to Tuesday 11-22-11
Jo Ann's birthday!  
She planned her own party. What a champ huh?  
We were treated to spaghetti tacos! Yes i Carly is the inspiration for this birthday feast. Our brother Daniel was quite skeptical. 
Here is proof I ate them also. After taking a bite I commented to the party that the tacos were like Jo--Good but a little bit weird! 
After tacos we made turkeys out of cookies and candies. My niece and nephew both needed their tongues to help create their holiday treats. 
Shay finished hers and was quite proud that it survived the nibbles! 
I had knitted Jo Ann a head band wrap thing. Everyone is wearing them this season. She had sent me a picture of what she wanted on facebook. I found a pattern and proceeded to learn to knit. After several attempts I finally finished it and I am quite proud of the result. It is quite cute! I love the button in the back and the cool button I got form moms button bucket for the flower! It was so fun to try something new!
It was a great great great first days of being in Utah!


Ruth said...

Such a talented person you are!

Lori England said...

I love fall and all of its colors! Love your talents! It was so fun to see you this weekend!

*Jo* said...

best birthday ever!!!!!!!! thank you for the head wrap and for attending my party and cooking!!! love love love you!!!