Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All Better...

So my lip is normal. It is a little tender. The swelling has gone down. I look normal. I just have a purple design about 1 inch long on the left side of my upper lip. It looks like a bruise. My lip is peeling probably from all the stretching it did yesterday. All I can say is WEIRD.


Melissa Rees said...

Ooooh I'm so happy for you! I hate wearing a mask all day at work cause of something funky on my face. One time I got the worst fever blister all over and I wore a mask all day at the VA. SUCKED!! Glad you are better and that Dan is not a vampire.

Ruth said...

Yeah! I am glad you are better. I hope you are well.

Maria said...

I'm glad that you are feeling better!

Chelseys Blog said...

i am glad you are feeling better. What a funny story!

Lori England said...

Yea there is a whole list of things you can get when a bit breaks the skin. I know a mom brought me a list when her little girl was bit at day care and it broke the skin. And then she told me that is why she freeked out on me. so it might not be a bad idea if you have your vampire hubby go to the dr. especially if he is a chronic bitter.

cheeks said...

WOW!! THis whole incident is a little creepy! Your hubby sounds like a vampire or something of the sort! Glad your lip is back to normal!

AND...just read about your doc. That's so awesome that he shows his appreciation for you! The doc i was working for is a little opposite of that...very kind, and laid back for the most part, but has a hard time doing things for his staff to show he cares...which makes me have a hard time deciding if i want to even go back 1 day a week.

Hope all is well!