Saturday, July 04, 2009

Eagle Creek at 5 am.

Happy 4th of July! I hope you had a great one.

I did not succumb to the ice cream/potato chip option for the weekend. Dan was trying to appease me and set up a tent in the back yard. I wanted to sleep out there without a tent but I guess I am in a city...

We went to bed around midnight and at 4 am Dan gets up. He takes his pillow and leaves me alone. I was so enjoying the cool night air and being cozy in the tent. I asked if he was coming back, he said no.

So I decided if I was going to be alone today I could be lonely in the mountain. So I got up, showered, and headed out to hike Eagle Creek. I got there just before 5:30 am. So this is me standing in the creek at the butt crack of dawn with no make-up.

This is called Punch Bowl Falls. It was quite lovely. The picture does not do it justice. Maybe you have to hear it and see the water swirling before it falls into the bowl to get the full effect.

This last picture is of me (looking like it is 6 am) at Tish Creek. It was a great hike. I was all alone on the hike until about 8 am. Then I started passing people on my way back.
So far it has been an ok day. I got home after 9 am and Dan was just getting into the shower. So I laid down for a min and then we ran errands for a while. We got a new tent since our last one was a little dysfunctional. It is set up in the back yard for tonight. I am pretty excited for round 2.
So the lawn is not mowed and the dishes are not done but I am relaxing pretty well while Dan is helping all the out-of-town-car-broken-down people.


cheeks said...

so proud of you for getting out!!! the hike looks beautiful!! good luck with night #2 in the "wilderness!" we've totally done that before...tent in the backyard! Although, it does make going inside in the middle of the night a tempting option!!

vicki said...

That is just beautiful! I just love the pacific northwest, even the rain. Would love to settled down there for a while but the weather isn't sunny enough for the hubby.

Maria said...

That looks like a gorgeous hike! Good for you for getting out. The farthest I got was the bridge over the Mississippi by my dorm. I took a break from writing a paper and watched the fireworks with about 100 other people standing on the bridge. It was amazing! So cool to see the bright lights of the city and the fireworks.

Holidays without family just aren't the same.

Lori England said...

Do you remember when we went to Idaho and we would be the out of town break downers? Dan tried that is more then matt did on my camping vacation he made it to set up the tent and left came back the next day for four hours and left and came back the next day to take down the tent.

Melissa Rees said...

You are so adventerous! Good for you for going hiking! I was daring and got into a swimsuit. I promise, it was terrifying.

Lizi said...

I love that you set up your tent in the back yard! There is just something so magical about camping. I'm bummed for you that your 4th of July trip didn't work out :( But I'm glad you got out so early and took a hike...the best way to clear your head by breathing that early-morning mountain fresh air. There was talk of you at the Melling camp-out...we wanted you there with us!!! We love you Mair!