Saturday, August 01, 2009


It is August 1, 2009. This has been D-day for me. It is the day I had to remove my Utah plates.....
I got my Oregon plates the other day and finally put them on my truck. It was kind of sad. I dont know why I am so sentimental about it. My life is in Oregon now. I like it. I truly like living in Portland. There is so much to experience. Plus the weather is so mild. Anyway, I hope He Who Must Not Be Named is proud of me for not putting my whole license plate number online...
Officially I am on vacation until Aug 10. I am sitting at home. It is 9:22 am. He Who Must Not Be Named is still in bed. I am not in Utah, I am not in Crescent City. I am not in bed with He Who Must Not Be Named. I think there is something wrong with this picture. And I am the only one in this house who sees it. That fact sucks. Well once again I am responsible for my own happiness. I better get off the computer and do something about it.


Lori England said...

That is great! As long as you put them on "your" truck! So if he has a minor in sociology why is he in bed with out you?

Em said...

Mair, want to go home with me on Thursay. I'll drive.

Em said...

Ah, no, I mean Utah. Home will always be Utah. I've yet to convert.

Maria said...

Mair...I hope you can find your happiness.