Thursday, August 06, 2009

Good Old Town...

How weird is Portland? I know PDX has it's issues. Our gay mayor is under scrutiny for having sex with a 17 year old male, and foreclosing on 3 of his personal homes. There have been 10 murders in 7 days on the 'east' side--I live on the east side. Most of the grass in peoples yards is brown/yellow from no water since it has not rained forever. And there are ads on the radio telling us not to water the lawn to conserve the water and that the grass will come back when the rains do. I bring my own bags to the grocery store to avoid getting plastic or paper bags. And last but not least, we just finished a 20 day run of temps over 90. Last Thursday it was 107. Today the high is 71. Last week the city was melting. Firehouses were opening up as 'cooling centers' for people especially elderly to come get relief from the heat (most people do not have A/C like me..I just have a wall unit like hotels have but far less effective) My house was 91 degrees with the 'a/c' on full blast for over 24 hours. Chocolate was melting in my cupboards it was a mess. Right now I am sitting with a jacket on because my arms are cold...I do not get how a city can go to such extremes. I was downtown today and people were walking the streets with jackets and hoodies on. I was refusing to wear one although I did wear long jeans. I love this city and the challenges that it brings. I am grateful I live here. I cannot imagine my life without lemongrass. I love this spice! I love Vietnamese food! I love this sandwich called a 'bun-me' it has lemon grass pork thin slices not very much, cilantro, a cucumber, pickled white carrots and orange carrots, green pepper, basil, and you dip it a fish sauce that has red peppers. It makes my lips and mouth tingle and slightly burn. I LOVE it!

So, went to a urologist....She thinks I have interstitial cystitis. A condition where the lining of my bladder becomes inflamed and hurts. It resembles a UTI but worse. I have to have a scope of my bladder in a few weeks....yikes. But all signs point to curing this horrible pain I have been having :)


Maria said...

Sorry you're hurting! Yeah, the weather in Minneapolis has been crazy too. We didn't hit 90 at all in July and haven't had any rain. When my dad and stepmom were here we were wearing jackets on Aug 1st! I'll take Utah's weather anyday. I still feel like I'm waiting for summer to start and it's almost over!

Em said...

We had a week and half of 101-107 degrees. The clinic could keep the heat down. Most of the clinic worked with the lights off.

I'm glad you finally have gotten things checked out. i still think Portland is a bit off. Not my kind of town.

Lori England said...

Friday morning at about 8:30 we were playing outside and I had to get a sweater. Nuts! It was 48 this morning. Global Warming. Just kidding I think that is malarky. So, I am glad you are on the road to finding a solution to your health problem. How is "he who should not be named" new job doing?

Lizi said...

Hey Mair! So I'm behind on your blog posts b/c it doesn't move your name up on my list anymore now that you have a top secret blog. So first of all, dang it, your not in Crescent City! I hope you get down there at some point b/c I KNOW you would absolutely LOVE it! Plus there are two mint truffles waiting for you in the mailbox, dang! Secondly, I think it's awesome that you and your gma had a penpal relationship throughout the summer, how neat is that?! I'll keep my eye out for some great stationary...come to think of it there is probably some in the basement in a box b/c for some reason people give me stationary and then I never use it! I'm sorry you had to go through the torturous mall experience...they're bad enough w/o someone there asking for money. Good luck figuring out that situation...I think you did the right thing by sticking to your guns. And if it makes you feel better, Titusville has a population of about 50,000 people and there are tons of murders and things you think would stay in the big cities, but nope, it's right here in town. It's everywhere, but I know you're a smart gal and will make the best of anywhere you live! I hope you feel better soon and that all the doc stuff gets figured out and taken care of. Love ya Mair!

vicki said...

Yes, Portland is an odd city. Too bad it was hot. That's not fun when you don't have A/C. I sure hope your docs can help you feel better! I am also wondering why "He who should not be named" should not be named. I guess I'll keep reading and try to figure it out!

Melissa Rees said...

My mother-in-law totally has that interstitial cystistist(?)! It kinda sucks. She has had the scope thing a couple of times. Hope it works for you!!

Aimee said...

Guess what?? I have interstitial cystitis! It doesn't always bother me....but when it flares up, it hurts like CRAZY! It's like the worst menstrual cramps but 10x worse! They gave me an rx for it, but it's over $300/mo to fill! I decided to just change my diet to avoid some of the trigger foods. Let me know what you find out. We can have our own little support group!