Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh the Smell...

I am sitting here smelling these amazing pies! I wish I could share the buttery gingery peachy smell of these pies. It is heavenly!
One of my patients is a culinary instructor in Porltand she too has a blog 'the portland pickle' (recipe found by linking to the link in her blog post). The other day I saw a post about Kate Neuman's Ginger Peach Pies. I quickly jotted the recipe down. Days later I am at the farmer's market and they had some yummy peaches. I thought 'perfect'. I was soon on my way to assembling the ingredients for these pies.

Well they are done. I have eaten one and it was delicious! Oh the ginger, Oh the buttery crust, Oh my hips....I better get another one....with ice cream....
He Who Must Not Be Named freaked out after my post about the truck. He requested that his life not be published online. As a compromise I made my blog private and now do not mention his name. He is an Intelligence Officer for the military and is paranoid about people finding him through the Internet. Me I am naive enough to believe no one is looking for me...
Interstitial Cystitis is a pain. I think I have had it for at least 2 years probably longer. I have to pee all the time. I am making myself hold it in hope of not shrinking my bladder. For me food does not trigger it. Seasonal allergies do. So far I have not been given meds. That is probably because I have not had my scope yet (next Friday). I am really glad to know other people have this weird condition. When I was describing it to my doctor she thought I was nuts. I changed doctors and she did not know what it was but instantly referred me to a urologist who knew exactly what was going on. So now I am not so freaked out about my weirdness.


Sara Melling said...

Yes, I would like the recipe. You can't just describe something so intracately and then drop the subject like I haven't started drooling!

Ruth said...

Please post the recipe! It sounds yummy. I hope you ae well!

Lori England said...

I hope you and your dr.s do great! Like they can not figure out who he is through you. Marrige licence and all.

Lori England said...

Oh I just looked up your problem and holy crap i am so sorry for your pain! Have you gone to the dr. before this? I would of gone to the dr after one week

cheeks said...

interstitial cystitis??? i've never heard of it, but i'm glad you have a dr that has though! i'll have to web md your condition :) i'm sorry you're in such pain.

those pies look'll have to share the recipe! my mouth is watering!

thanks for the new invite to your blog...i don't know what happened, but even after your first invite i was on for a few days, then couldn't....i thought you gave me the boot!

now i'm on to reading all the posts that i've missed!

to answer your ?? Emri was 24.5 inches at her 4 month ck up...which was like 50th percentile....crazy how fast they grow!

cheeks said...

so i just read your other posts, and about your condition....i hope the scope went well and they can get you something to relieve the pain. that sounds crappy!

yikes about the stepdaughter experience...i think what you said/did was totally reasonable and she really is probably just testing you. i think standing your ground was good because then she'll know in the future you wont let her walk all over you. kids need that.

i like your oregon plates! i know where you're coming from though! i was so bugged when i had to take my utah plates off my jeep! Jeeps here aren't too common...neither are utah plates, so i liked being different and not just another Ohio-an :)

will you email me your home address??

vicki said...

OH my! That pie looks sooo delicious! Sorry about your condition. I sure hope you can find relief soon!

Maria said...

I worked with a lady whose daughter had IC. She was miserable and had to radically change her diet to reduce the symptoms. Hope you don't have to do anything too drastic to feel better!