Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday Portland received about 8 inches of snow. Then in the evening it started to rain and the wind started to blow. The result was freezing rain and a cocoon of ice around everything. Here is a pic of the bushes in my back yard. I had to wade through knee high drifts to get this picture. There was a crust of ice on top of the snow. It was great.

Here are some more leaves.

Poor little tree and cherry fruit things...see the bark on the trunk of the tree; yeah it is ice.

This is not a class room door window in an old LDS church it is my bedroom window. The outside is completely frozen. The wind blew the rain and it froze there. It looks just like frosted glass all bumpy and old school. I love it!

This is my truck. I can see the completely perfect layer of ice on every inch of my truck it is hard to photograph but you get the idea.

It is cold here in PDX. I hope y'all are keeping warm and dry where ever you are!


Em said...

So did the city shut down again??

Melissa Rees said...

That is so funny about the window! I was nursing little deacon in the stinky @$# mothers room and I was sitting in front of the window thinking "It's a good thing that window is frosted otherwise this would be a peepshow!" You kill me!

Aimee said...

So are ya loving it up there?

cheeks said...

It's so fun to read about all your happenings in a new place! Isn't it funny how weird (and stupid) people get about snow outside of the Utah/Idaho/Colorado area? We get the icestorms too and they are cool, but c'mon people, learn how to drive...use some common sense! And an inch of snow here makes people freak out too!

I think your little house is cute! It's ok that it's're a newlywed! In a few years you'll feel the need to upgrade! I loved our little one bedroom basement apt.

Your stocking was hilarious...very creative! Congrats on scoring the job you wanted, that's awesome! I hope you have a great Christmas in OR...what a great time to start some of your own traditions, just the 2 of you! It's our first Christmas away as well! HAVE FUN!